Book Title: Tirthankar Bhagawan Mahavir 48 Chitro ka Samput
Author(s): Yashodevsuri
Publisher: Jain Sanskruti Kalakendra

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________________ the shape of a lionmark on the thigh 1008 The three branches of learning were Mati Gnana, Shruta Gnana and Avadhi Gnana 43 What was his mark of identification? 44 How many were the auspi. cious signs on his body? 45 What were the branches of learning over which he had mastery at the time of birth and during the life of the householder? 46 Complexion 47 Beauty 48 How much physical power? 49 The constitution of joint bones 50 Sansthana (The form of the body) Golden yellow Most beautiful Infinite Vajrarishabhanaracha Extremely strong Most beautiful because of square shape. (Not too long and not too broad) Seven arm-length 51 Height from the fingers of the legs 52 Length from the fingers of the arms 120 Angula (about 60 inches - 150 cms) 21 degrees The centre-top elevated 53 Finger and thumb-angle 54 Distinguishing feature of the head 55 The Pigment of blood 56 Was he married? White (like the milk of a cow) Yes (according to the belief of Shvetambara tradition) 57 What was the name of his wife? 58 Had he any children? Yashoda Yes, one daughter (Priya darshana) 30 years 59 How long as a house holder 60 What was his charity dur ing a year? 3,88,80,00,000 gold coins 14 What knowledge did he The knowledge that trans get after taking the oath? cends the mind DETAILS ABOUT THE SPIRITUAL PRACTICE 1 How long did he wear the For one year and one month divine scarf? (according to the Shve tambar tradition) 2 What diet was used to Khir-a milk preparation with break the first fast? rice 3 When did he break the On the day next to the day of fast? initiation 4 Where did he break the At Kollag Sannivesha first fast? 5 Who gave him food for A Brahmin named Bahula at breaking the fast and his residence where? 6 What utensil was used for The utensil was provided by the milk-soup? the householder 7 What was the duration It was the fasting for six of the most rigorous months penance? 8 Had he practised Abhi- In various ways graha ? 9 What was the total dura- Total fasting for 4166 days tion of penance ? 10 How many were the days 349 days of breaking the fast during the fasting period of more than twelve and a half years ? 11 Where did he carry on his In eastern and northern spiritual practices ? India 12 Duration of relaxation For 48 minutes (when he during the spiritual pra slept) ctices of more than twel. ve and a half years. 13 Had he undergone Yes, many ordeals? 14 Who harassed him ? Men,gods and animals 15 What posture did he adopt Mostly Kayotsarga posture for spiritual practice ? was adopted in Jina Mudra while standing 16 What were the techniques Self control, Penance, mediof spiritual practices ? tation and observance of silence THE AUSPICIOUS OCCASION OF ABSOLUTE ENLIGHTENMENT 1 Absolute enlightenment According to Indian calenmonth and date dar the month of Vaisha. kha and the tenth day of the bright half of the month 2 The name of the day Suvrata (classical name) 3 The name of the auspici- Vijaya (classical name) ous time 4 The time of absolute en- The fourth part of the daylightenment evening 5 The zodiac at the time of Virgo absolute enlightenment 6 Age at the time of absolute 43 years enlightenment 7 The place of absolute en- A field outside the town lightenment Jrimbhika, on the bank of the river Rujuvalika (Bihar State) 8 Were any disciples pre- No sent at the time of abso lute enlightenment ? 9 Was he wearing any dress No at that time ? 10 Had he any articles with No, being completely nonhim ? possessive DETAILS ABOUT INITIATION The month and date of the month was Margashiinitiation rsha according to Jain Cal. endar and the date was the tenth Day of the dark half of the month. 2 The time of initiation The fourth Prahara (a meas ure of time) of the day. 3 The constellation at the Uttara falguni time of initiation 4 The zodiac at the time of Virgo initiation 5 Age at the time of initi- 30 years ation 6 How many are the funda- Five including non-violence, mental vows at the time truth etc. of initiation? 7 The penance on the day of Fasting for two days initiation 8 The name of the palanquin Chandraprabha used during the great procession of initiation 9 Was anyone else initiated No. (He was alone to be inititogether with him? ated) 10 In which city was he A t Kshatriyakunda Gam initiated? Nagara 11 In which forest was he In Gnatkhandvana of Kunda initiated? Gam 12 Under which tree was he Under the Ashoka tree initiated? 13 How did he pluck off the By using the fist five times hair? A5KW 5 शिवा देवी जन्म पहरिया BASA WAX 107 Jain Education International For Personal & Private Use Only


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