Śrāvakabhūmi (iii) Inference through action (karmatah), (iv) Inference through attributes (dharmataḥ) and (v) that based on the probans and the result (hetu
phalataḥ)' As regards the āptāgama, this too has been defined and explained as the sayings or instructions of an omniscient or that based on the following of the instructions of an omniscient (Buddha). Its threefold classification has also been offered.2
But all this does not establish that minor details and technicalities that are found in the later works of Buddhist logic were worked out in Asanga's works. Asanga had dealt with these problems in a simple and general way and presented them only in a rudimentary form which formed the basis of the logical theories detailed in the works of Vasubandhu, Kumāranātha, Dignāga, Dharmakirtis, Isvarasena, Jñānasrimitra, Ratnakirti and others.
1. अनुमान कतमत् । यत्केनचिदेव चिह्ननिमित्तसम्बद्ध न वर्तमानेन वा पूर्वदृष्टेन
वा विषयाभ्यूहनम । तद्यथा चक्रेण रथमनुमिनोति । धूमेनाग्नि राज्ञा राज्यं Gear RETT 1157 (T)faqropeat trai Ibid., loc. cit., 2A, 9, lipes
1-2 sq. 2. Bara: *TA: 1 TOTTI at at spar Tat gaaria
पुनस्त्रिविधो द्रष्टव्यं (व्यः) । प्रवचना विरोधतः । संक्ले शप्रतिपक्षतः । लक्षणा
fantaarTI Ś. Bh. MS., 2B 9, lines 2-3. 3. Vide, Supra, fo. 4.