Some As pects of Cultural Account in Asanga's works
A peculiar reference to the yantravāhi vāyu (i.e. the air blown by the machine) is also found.'
Many kinds of silpas have been referred and their various purposes defined. It has also been mentioned that people did not use the sculpture as a means to their livelihood (jivikā) rather it aimed at their amusement and recreation.” Art was also prevalent and the house-building and various sculptural techniques were recognised. At one place, the measurement of house, its manifold construction, ornamental art-gallery and the floor-painting have been mentioned.9
Similarly, various kinds of exercises (vyāyāma) of whirling stone (šilā-khanda) and mace (gadā), the fivefold angas of the tūrya’, manifold odours (gandhas) and different kinds of ornaments have been referred. Śāli has been profusely referred. It seems that Asanga belonged to or was living at the time of the composition of the YBS at a place where śāli-dhānya grew in abundance. He
1. IT feraterafareteag ag acida 97797ET, p. 55. 2. fed famitsret #alfa sfa&tep 7 HATUT 7 sfatat........,
YBS., p. 63. 3. अष्टविधमष्टसु लोक चित्रेषु तानि पुनर्भूमिभागचित्रं पर्यन्तचित्रमारामवनसरस्त
Eiriffazi pafantafazi ifalafqFhlten fazi 7, pp. 65-66;
371TTITIUAgufra, p. 42. 4. P. 96; शिलाचक्रव्यायाम and गदाचक्रव्यायाम; vide, मल्लपुराण (XI.
3,x. 9) which also refers to गदाभ्यास and गदाश्रम. 5. दशविधः च चाङ्गतूर्यसंगृहीतः । स पुन त्यसहगतो वादित्रसहगतः स्त्रोसहगतः
95TagTax 979: Tag 4CT914 371772796N YBS., p. 66.
Ibid., pp. 66-67. 7. p. 92. 10-11. 8. P. 42-43 and elsewhere. 9. This might be some area of Uttar Pradesh or Bihar,