Srāvakabhūmi Nirvāņa by pudgalas having the nature of parinirvāṇa. These are(i) akṣaṇopapannatvaṁ i. e., being born in unfa
vourable circumstances, i. e., in the four families of persons not born in the madhya-janapadas, the wild people residing in the forests (kāntārama
nuşyeșu), thieves (caureșu) and the mlecchas; (ii) pramattadoșatvan, i. e., being possessed with the
evil of inattention. A person being born in a family other than the four enumerated above, is endowed with worldly pleasures, but is tempted, hankers after them and does not consider the evil
underlying these pleasures; (iii) mithyopapanna tvarn, i. e., being born in elu-,
sive circumstances. A person is produced in the madhya-janapada etc., but is endowed with the tirthika-darśana (Un-Buddhistic notions) that there is no gift (dāna), no life hereafter. This too is found only when the Buddha is not born and the virtuous friends showing the right virtu
ous path are not available; (iv) āvstadoșatvam-i. e., the evil being unmanifested.
Despite the Buddhas being produced and virtuous friends available, the foolish does not understand the exact import of the dharmas and practises restricted actions, such as ānantaryakarma;
(ii) The parinirvāna-dharmaka pudgalas attain the deliver
ance and the a-parinirvānadharmaka pudgalas do not attain it. But there are instances when parinirvāņadharmaka pudgalas too do not attain parinirvāņa. When deprived (vikala) of these four factors, they do not attain parinirvāņa.