anāgamio' and arhattva° which arise as a result of the cessation of rāga, dveșa, moha and other
varied kinds of sa niyojanas. XX. Different traits of pudgalas : Different traits of
the rāgacarita, deveşa', moha', miāna', vitarka', samabhāga', and manda-rajaska' pudgalas have
also been enumerated in this context. XXI. The three avaraņas : The three āvaraņıs of
karma, (the five ānantarya karmans), klesa and their resultant vipākas have also been enumerated which a yogin should try to relinquish. The fourfold sambhāras have also been enume rated which are punyasainbhāra, jñānasambhāra,
pūrvaka and drstadhārmika. XXII. The six synonyms of pudgalas : 'under this head, (i) the four sramanas
mārgajina, mārgadeśika, mārgajīvī and
mārgadūsi, (ii) the three brāhmaṇas :
jāti brahmāna, sainjñac and prajaparti', : (iii the three brahmācarins
viratisamādāyī, tadantaraprahāyi and
tadatyantaprahāyi, (iv) the five explanations of bhikṣubbhāva
bhikṣatiti, pratijñābhikṣu, sainjñā°, bhinnaklešatvādo, and jñapticaturthena
karmana upasampādito bhikṣuḥ, (v) the three yatis
dau ḥśīlyasanyanād, vişayao and klesco,
and lastly, (vi) the twofold pravrajitas, namely the svākhyāla
dharmavinayao and the durākhyāladharmavināya' have been elucidated with proper illustrations.