The Fourth Yogasthāna
(ii) nyāya (leading to the way of cessation
of suffering), (iii) pratipatti (knowledge of the way, etc.),
and (iv) niryāņa (extinguishing the suffering,
etc.); 11. the analysis and elucidation (pariksaņa) of the
first Árya Satya in the following ten ways : through upapattisādhanayukti :
(i) vipariņāma, (ii) vināśa, (iii) viyoga, (iv) sainnihita, (v) dharmatā,
myojana-bandhana, (vii) anista, (viii) ayogakşema, (ix) anupalambha, and
(x) asvātantrya; further analysis and elucidation of the evanscent character of the empirical dharmas through enumeration of the twofold vastu' (by analysing the dependent (idarpratyayatā) character of these existents)-the external (bahya) and the internal (ādhyātmam), while the former has been said to be sixteenfold, the fifteen-fold vipariņāma of the latter has also been enumerated along with the eight causes of this 'vipariņāma', namely-kāla. parivāsa (ugedness), paropukrama (mutual attack), upabhoga enjoyment), rtuvipariņāma (transformation caused by weathers), agnidāha (transfor