(e) Sthānāsthānakausalya or proficiency in the knowledge of and contemplation upon the true nature of pratītyasamutpāda which helps one to determine the vipaka of kuśala and akusala karmans (vide also Bodhi. Ch. VI).
By this five-fold kausalya, the pudgala gains further proficiency in the knowledge of the unique and discrete character of the phenomenal dharmas (svalakṣaṇa kausalyam)'. This is acquired by skandha-kausalya. The other four kinds of kausalya lead to proficiency in the knowledge of the sāmānyalakṣaṇa.
IV. Klesavisodhanam alambanam: Under this head the following topics have been discussed:
(a) purification of afflictions through mundane path (1) laukika-margeṇa-adhobūmīnām audărikata. This audarikatā has been stated to be two-fold:
(i) svabhāvaudarikatā (natural grossness) and (ii) samkhyaudārikatā.
(b) purification of the kleśas through transmundane path (lokottara-margena). This contains elucidation of the four aryan truths with the following details :
(i) the nature of the four aryasatyas,
(ii) their arrangement (vyavasthana) through the process of causality (hetu-phala-vyavasthā), (iii) true import of the word arya satya, and lastly, (iv) detailed elucidation of the nature of the three
fold duḥkhata, craving (trṣṇā), its cessation (nirodha) and the way leading to the cessation of suffering and craving (marga).
1. This is through the anityatva-bhāvanā of the objects in the state of flux.