Srāvakabhimi (ii) Caritavišodhana ālambana : This comprises
discussions on the
(i) sixfold aśubhatā', (ii) friendship (maitrī), (iii) the doctrine of dependent and relative origi
nation (idainpratyayatā pratītyasamutpāda), (iv) the sixfold dhātus or the elements of earth,
water, fire, wind, ether and vijñāna; here it has been stated that through concentration on the six dhātus, the mānacarita pudgala takes the body as lump (pinda), as aśubha and thereby he lessens the māna and through his conduct he purifies his mental
faculties, (v) mindfulness regarding inhaling and exhaling
(ānāpānasmști); this has been explained under the following heads :
(i) gananāparicaya, (ii) skandhāvatāraparicaya, (iii) pratityasamutpādāvatāraparicaya, (iv) sutyāvatāraparicaya and (v) şodaśākāraparicaya. This is in accor
dance with the description found in the Pāli canons and the Buddhist Sanskrit works. It has further been explained to elucidate the evanescent nature of
the empirical existents, (vi) The threefold classification of dhātus
into 1. These are- war, garai, aruar, 3119fe7it ahar,
III Hat and saigtiguar,