The SBh. forms the XIII section (bhumi) of the YBS. It comprises four books called Yogasthānas and three subsections called bhumis, viz. the gorra-bhumi the avatarabhumi and the naiskramyabhūmi.1
I. The First Yogasthāna
At the beginning of the text, the SBh. has been stated to comprise gotra, pudgalas, mundane and supra-mundane paths leading to the Final Deliverance (nirvana) from the cycle of birth and death (samsara).2
Hereafter the first yogasthana containing the gotrabhūmi, the avatarabhumi and some portions of the Naiskramyabhumi begins with a statement that the gotra, the avatara and the naişkrmya bhumis taken together are called the SBh.
(a) The Gotrabhumi
Gotrabhūmi has been defined as comprising the gotra, the gotra-vyavasthana, the presons stationed in gotra (gotrasth-pudgalas) and their signs (lingan).
The Gottabhumi
Thus, in the gotra-bhūmi, discussions on the following points are found :.
(a) Prefactory remarks: Statement that the SBh. contains the above three bhumis (as above).
Gotram pudgalastathā laukiko lokottaraśca prayogaḥ śrāvakabhumiḥ proktā sarvvam ca samāsataḥ|| Gotramevāvatāraśca tathā naiṣkramyameva cal Bhumayastisra eta hi bhumiḥ śravakasam jñitā|| Sankṣepena ima eva śrāvakabhūmiḥ kathyatell Vide JGJRI, XXIV, p. 132.