Srāvakabhūmi (xv) a pudgala stationed far (from nirvāṇa) (dūre
pudgalah); (xvi) a pudgala stationed near (nirvāṇa) (āsanne
pudgalah); (xvii) a pudgala mature (for attaining parinirvāṇa)
(paripakvaḥ pudgalaḥ); (xviii) a pudgala immature (for the attainment of
parinirvāṇa) (a-paripakvaḥ pudgalah); (xix) a pudgala with a purified conduct (visuddhaḥ
pudgalaḥ); and (xx) a pudgala with an unpurified conduct (a-visuddhaḥ pudgalaḥ).
(b) The Avatārabhūmi. 4. In the Avatārabbūmi the following topics have been detailed, elucidated and discussed : (i) Prefatory remarks : Statement that the avatārabhūmi
comprises the discussions regarding the nature (svabhāva) and arrangement (vyavasthāna) of avatāra and the pudgalas stationed (avatirņāḥ) in this bhūmi.
along with their distinguishing marks (lingāni)." (ii) Avatārasvabhāva : the nature of avatāra, i. e. the
preceding activities (gamanaṁ) till the acquisition of the last kāya leading to the birth in special families
and circumtances. (iii) Avatāra-V yavasthāna : this comprises discussions on :
(a) gotra i. e. svabhāva or nature of a pudgala, 1. अवतारभूमिः कतमा आह । योऽवतारस्वभावः, अवतारस्य यव्यवस्थानम्,
अवतीर्णानां पुद्गलानां यानि लिङ्गानि, ये चावतीर्णाः पुद्गलास्तत्सर्वमेकत्यममिसङ्क्षिप्यावतारभूमिरित्युच्यते ।
-Avatārābhūmi, restored text, para. I 2. Restored Text, para 2-4 Şce App, I,