An Analytic Summary of the Sbh.
clxxiii (iii) Svabhāvaguņalaksaņa”: the characteristic natural
conduct comprising the ācāra sampat and gocarsarpat.
In this summary-treatment, it has also been remarked that the third component of the description of śīla-samvara viz. aṇumātreșvavadyesu bhayadarši samādāya siksāte forms the adhyātma adhipateyagunānusarsa while the ācāragocarasainput is modelled as prādhipateyagunānusariisa of śīla-samvara,
Another threefold classification of śīla has also been offerred (p. 25).
(i) Samādattaśīlatā : comprising the statement sīlavān
(ii) Nairyānikaśīlatā comprising prātimokşa-saivara
and thereby the threefold śikṣā, i. e., the adhicitta,
adhiprajña and adhisīla śikṣā. (iii) śīlabhāvanā (contemplation on sila) comprising
the ācāra-gocarasampat and the third and the last component of the preceding description of the restraint in moral conduct (sila-samvara) referred to above (anumātresvavadyeșu bhayadarsi samādāya śikṣate śikṣāpadeșu).
Hereafter, the ten factors leading to the contamination of virtuous moral conduct have been stated and ten causes leading to the attainment of sila-sampat have also been referred.
Sa caisa Silasamvaro daśabhirākārairvipanno veditavyaḥ. Viparyayāddaśabhiscaiva kāraņaih sampannaḥ, SBh., p. 44-45.