An Analytic Summary of the Sbh.
clxxxv cintana
The comparative cintana is said to comprise the four yuktis :
yuktis (i) the apekṣā yukti or considered reasoning for
required objects of contemplation, (ii) the kāryakāraṇa yukti or causal reasoning, (iii) the Upapattisādhana yukti" or reasoning for the
consistency of expedients, and (iv) the dharmatā yukti or reasoning on account of the
. exact nature of the existence of dharmatā. V. Anantarāya
The non-hindrance has been explained as opposed to the two-fold hindrances based on (i) inner feelings (adhyātmain upādāya) and (ii) outer objects (bahirdhā upādāya). The three fold antarāya
In the summary-treatment, another set of three an tarāyas has also been discussed; (i) prayogāntarāya or hindrance to the practice and
procedure of concentration, (ii) prāvivekyāntarāya or hindrance to loneliness, and (iii) pratisainlayanāntarāya or hindrance to non-adher
ence to the empirical objects which has also been
explained in twofold ways : (a) Samathāntarāya or hindrance to the acquisition of
mind containing inattention (pramāda) and residing in a place not suitable for concentration
(adeśavāsa), and (b) vipaśyanāntarāya or hindrance to the acquisition
of the right knowledge of the mutable and non