(iv) possessed of compassionate feelings (anukampako bhavati),
(v) not possessing dejected mind (aparikhinnamānaso bhavati),
(vi) possessed of patient and forbearing nature (kṣamāvān bhavati),
(vii) confident, wise and proficient (visarado bhavati), and
(viii) endowed with accomplishment and performance of speech (vakkaraṇenopeto bhavati).
To this discussion is appended a summarytreatment of the subject under discussion (samāsārtha) (pp. 134-35).
IV. Saddharma-śravana-cintana or listening to the instructions of the Buddha regarding Saddharma and its contemplation. This discussion comprises:
(a) listening (sravana) to the saddharma, and
(b) its contemplation (cintana)
While the former (a) contains detailed exposition of the twelvefold Buddha-vacana classified as the twelvefold Saddharma,
(i) sūtra, (ii) geya, (iii) vyakaraṇa, (iv) gāthā, (v) udānā, (vi) avadāna, (vii) itivrttaka, (viii) nidāna, (ix) vaipulya (x jataka, (xi) upadeśa and (xii) adbhuta dharmas, which have again been summarily classified and discussed as:
(i) Sūtra
(ii) Vinaya and
(iii) Abhidharma; the latter (b) (Cintana) has been discussed in two fold ways:
(i) the enumerative (gaṇanākārā) and (ii) the comparative (tulanākāra),