An Analytic Summary of the Sbh.
clxix (b) avatāra, i. e. the preliminary stage leading to the
birth in special circumstance ann in privilged
families, etc. (see under ii). (c) paripäka, i. e. culmination of the preceding acts of caryā.
Sixfold combinations of gotra, paripāka (or vipāka) and avatāra have been explained under
this head. (iv) (a) Six pudgalas stationed in this bhūmi:
(1) capable of caryā leading to the acquisition of
the preliminary stage of naiskramya (i. e.
vairāgya) and thereby of nirvāņa (bhavyaḥ), (2) endowed with the mild roots of merit (mrdu
kušala-mūla-samanvāgatah), (3) endowed with the indifferent roots of merit
(madhyakušalamūlasamnvāgataḥ), (4) endowed with the sharp roots of merit
(adhimātrakušalamūlasamanvāgatah), (5) applying his faculties to the attainment of
perfection and certitude (nişthāprāyogikaḥ),
and . (6) having attained perfection and certitude in the
stage of caryā (nişthāgataḥ). (b) Discussion on the point whether all the avatirņa
pudgalas are stationed in this bhūmi for an equal
span of time or not. (v) (a) Eight marks of the avatīrņa pudgalas. (b) Further elucidation and detailed analysis of the
various distinguishing marks of the different pudgalas stationed ip this bhūmi,