An Analytic Summary of the Sbh.
chi (b) A brief description of the gotra-bhūmi : The gotrabhūmi
has been defined as comprising the gotra, the gotravyavasthāna, the signs of the gotra-stha pudgalas in addition to the enumeration of different pudgalas stationed in the gotra. Gotra : A gotra has been defined as the seed of a pudgala stationed in it. Existence and survival of a gotra—stha pudgala solely depends upon it. If gotra exists, a gotra-stha pudgala operates, otherwise not. Gotra is traditionally inherited from antiquity, is specific, acquired through sense organs in the form of dharmas and is essential for the attainment of
(d) Gotra-vyavasthāna : A gotra has been described, if it
does not generate fruits, as sūkşma and if fruits are produced from it, taking the seed and the fruit together, it is termed as sthüla. It is acquired through one series (santāna) i. e., the six sense-bases (sadāyatana), as deprived from these six bases, it has no separate
existence of its own. (i) The pudgalas stationed in gotra have been described
as having the nature of parinicvāņa (parinirvāṇadharmaka) and the pudgalas not stationed therein have been described as deprived of this specific nature. There are cases when the parinirvana-dharmakapudgalas do not attain parinirvāņa. Four causes have been enumerated that lead to the non-acquisition of 1. Tarra gotram katamat. Gotrasthasya pudgalasya yo bijadhar.
mah. Yasmin sati bhavati, asati na bhavati. Pudgalanam nirvvānam prāptumspraştum saknoti, prabhavati ca. Tasya gotrasya kati paryayarāmāni. Bi jam dhätuh prakrtiriti paryā. yanāmā i bhavanti. Tutrasya gotras ya syabhāvah. tat kayadvi. sistam şadāyatanena upātiam dharma'ayā prāptam. Anādikālāt pramparya samudāgatam. Yasaitāni gotrain bi jam dhātuh prakrtiritimāni paryāyanāmāni bhavanti tad gotramityucyate.; Cp. also, Bobhi., Pp. 1-2 sq.