The YBS contains abundant material on Buddhist Yoga1 and other aspects of the carya of the Buddhist order. The author's mode of the presentation of the theme and the doctrines is rather descriptive than analytic or synthetic. Naturally, numerous quotations from and references to various Buddhist works are noticed in the body of the YBS and the SBh.2 While in the YBS passages from several Sūtras have been quoted in verbatim, as also contents of some Sūtras have been incorporated without actually mentioning their name, the SBh. also shows knowledge of many Buddhist agamas, sūtras and vinaya texts.
It has rightly been contended that while writing the SBh. our author made use of the Ekottaragama, the Madhyamagama, the Samyuktagama and the Dirghagama, the canon of the Mahiśāsaka and other sects of the Buddhist order, the Mahāyāna sūtras and the MSA."
Verses and passages have actually been quoted in the body of the present text, in various related contexts and their significance has been explained, but without mentioning their actual source. We can only surmise that these passages or verses have been taken from the above canonical works.
A long dialogue in the name of Revata and the Buddha has also been quoted, but this extract is not traced
1. See, Sanskrit Bhūmikā,
Vide, Index.
See, the Section on Sources.
Except those occurring in the SBh., many passages have been quoted and explained in the Cintamayi bhumi of the YBs. which also forms part of the SBh.
S. Bh., p. 197 sq.