The soceity at that time was in a state of prosperity1 and different sections of society had reached an understanding of mutual co-operation and friendship. On occasional functions people used to meet and help each other."
Asanga mentions six kinds of professions (jivikā) including agriculture, merchandise, rearing of animals, such as cows etc., serving the state, writing, and accountancy. Other kinds of silpas are also noticed.
References to various kinds of gems are found which only points towards the prosperity of the age and society in which Asanga lived. Gems like pearls, sphatikas, mani, vaiḍurya and metals like gold, silver, copper and iron are frequently referred.4 At one place, Asanga refers to two kinds of sphatika-tejah-sphatika and udaka-sphaṭika." Perhaps these refer to the two different kinds of the gem according to its varying colour, dark and light or bright and bluish.
Much importance had been given to the village and village-life. This is evident from various references to the village (grāma and grama-sannivesa)."
Six-fold defence of the state has also been mentioned which includes the four-fold traditional cores of army and the forces provided by the neighbour and the friendly states."
1. दश च परिष्काराः कतमे । भोजनं पानं यानं वस्त्रमलङ्कारो हास्यगीतनृत्यवादितं गन्धमाल्य विलेपनं भाण्डोपस्कर आलोक: स्त्रीपुरुषपरिचर्या च, YBS,
P. 47. 5-6.
Loc. cit., lines 10-12.
P. 49.
P. 39, 49, 90, 92 etc., p. 54.
YBS., p. 43.
Ibid., p. 42.
Ibid., p. 50: षड्विधा रक्षा कतमा । तद्यथा हस्तिकायोऽश्वकायो रथकायः पत्तिकाय: सन्निधिबलं मित्रंबलं च ।