Śrävakabhūmi and the Yogācārabhūmis
the pșthag-janas and the Srāvakas. Similarly, araņā bhumi and śānta-bhūmi are also mentioned along with 'cittabhūmi'. At one place samādhi has been stated in these words : sarvatathāgatazocaro'yam bhagavan yatra abhūmiḥ sarvašrāvakapratyekabuddhānām kaḥ punarvādo'nyatirthikānām ?
(SRS, p. 54, Ch. X.). For the first time, the words yoga-bhūmi, yogācārabhūmi and the śrāvakabhūmi are met with in the SRS and we have reasons to believe that the Yogācārabhūmi represents the viewpoint of the Buddhists which was traditionally accepted through the Mahāyāna texts. The Yogäcärabhumi is said to be identical with the "buddhabhūmi'4 and intimately connected with the Buddhalogy of the Mahāyāna. · This conception of the 'buddhabhūmi' is regarded as the climax of the Yogācāra concept of 'bhūmi' or stages in the spiritual growth and propitiation of a Yogin. This is essentially the path leading to the ultimate knowledge of Buddha (Buddhajñānain).5
The seven or ten bhūmis in the spiritual attainment of a bodhisattva are severally met with in the Mahāyāna works6 (contd. from p. 10)
अयुक्तयोगीन सदा विवर्जना तथागतैर्भाषित बुद्धभूमि । अनुमोदिता सविहि पण्डितेहि इयं जिने ईदृश आनुशासनी ।। बाल: प्रतिक्षिप्त अज्ञातके हि अभूमिरत्र पृथश्रावकाणाम् । परिगृहीताः सद बोधिसत्त्वैः इयं जने ईदृश आनुशासनी ।। तथागतेहि अनुबद्धमेतं देवेहि चो सत्कृतु पूजितं च ।
अनुमोदित ब्रह्मसहस्रकोटिभिः कश्चिज्जिनो भाषति त समाधिम् ।। 1. SRS, XIII. J. 10; p. 78, 7.
Ibid., p. 143. 1. 3. Ibid., p. 297, 300. 4. Cp. SRS, p. 300.
Ibid., loc. cit. The Mahāvastu mentions scven bhümis of a bodhisattava, the DBS (p. 1 sq.) and the Bodbi (P. 253 sq.) mention ten Bhuwis of a bodhisattva; we also come across the grāvaka-o, Pratyekao and Bodbio (Bodhisattvao) in the ASPP, p. 18, 19 (avatārao (P. 28). the Ratnagunasañcayagātha X. 4 etc., the DBS, P. 34, 36 37 and elsewhere.