The Previous Buddhist Thinking and the works of Asanga cxxxvii
exhort him to follow the precepts and ideals of the Mabāyāna. 1.
Ārya Maitreyanātha also referes to the doctrine of Kalyāṇamitrată in the MSA as a virtuous friend of the bodhisattva who helps him attain the bodhi.
Asanga, while commenting on the above portion of the MSA* as well as in the SBh.4 and the Bodhi.', gives a detailed analysis of the doctrine of Kalayāṇamitratā.
In the present text, he enumerates the eight characteristics of a Kalyāṇamitra and gives a detailed analysis of the same under various heads. A Kalyāṇamitra is endowed with these quanlities : (a) śīla, (b) versatality, (c) learning,
(d) kindness, (e) forgiveness, (f) giving precepts to his friends, · (g) reminding people of the kusala karmans and (h) impelling them towards Kusala. The same qualities have also been elucidated in the Bodhi, where the description of the SBh. has also been referred.
(8) Pratityasamutpāda The doctrine of Pratītyasamutpāda represents the Buddhists' viewpoint regarding causality. While the early Pali references? contain the idea of dependent origination as the basic sense of this doctrine at the physical and moral plane, in its earliest form, the doctrine of Pratityasamutpāda was taken to represent an analysis of the human personality-its origin, maturity and end, in the three time passages. In this way, this doctrine was interpreted as the
1. Cp. Bodhi, p. 174, p. 10 and elsewhere. 2. MSA, XV. 2.
MSAB, XV. 2. 4. SBh., p. 127-35
Bodbi., p. 7, 10, 109, 86, 163, 174 etc. 6. SBh., p. loc. cit. 7. S. N., II. 1, 5-10, 12-13, 24, 49-51, 61-62, 70-72, 386 sq; D. N.
II. 44-51 and elsewhere. 8. Vide, Abbas. VIII. 6, 8.