Book Title: Sanskrit English Dictionary Part 01
Author(s): P K Gode, C G Karve
Publisher: Prasad Prakashan

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Page 30
________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir अगच्छ अगस्ति number seven (from the seven कुलाचल). of. ...अथ पन्नगे।। Si. 3. 59. See under 1721 also. -Comp.-9 . of unsurनगाः अगाः पर्वतेऽके पादपे स्यात्...I Nm. -Comp.-आत्मजा passed or inconceivable nature, form, &c. *9 uzat the daughter of the mountain, N. of Parvati. -ओकस् m. प्रपित्सुना Ki. 1.9. [ अगः पर्वतः ओको यस्य] 1 a mountain-dweller. -2 a 31 A wonon not deserving to be approached bird (वृक्षवासी). -3 the animal शरभ supposed to have8 (for coha bitation), one of the low castes; 'म्यां च ख्रियं legs. -4a lion. -ज . (अगात् पर्वतशिलातो जायते; जन्-ड,) गत्वा, गमनं चैव जातिभ्रंशकराणि वा &c. -Comp. -गमनम् produced on a mountain or from a tree; roaming or illicit intercourse.-गामिन् a. practising illicit intercourse. wandering through mountains, wild (गिरिचर); कचाचितौ -गमनीय a. relating to illicit intercourse; "नीये तु (पापम) विष्वगिवागजी गजो Ki. 1. 36. (-जम्) bitumen. [शिलाजित] तैरेभिरपानुदेत् Ms. 11. 109. - Born From the mountain, Parvati, 370761779511 गजाननमहर्निशम् । अनेकदं तं भक्तानामेकदन्तमुपास्महे || Subha. अगरी [नास्ति गरो विषं यस्याः ; प. ब. गौर. डी] 1 A kind of -जानिःSiva. सर्वे तद्भगवन् त्वदीयमगजाजाने समस्तार्तिहन । चोल grass or plant (देवताड वृक्ष) commonly called Deotar, चम्पूकाव्य P.A, Verse 12. Andropogon Serratus. It is said to be an antidote अगच्छ . [ गम् बाहु.श, न.त. ] Not going. -च्छः A tree. against the poison of rats and mice. -2. Any substance that removes poison (विषहारिद्रव्यमात्रम) अगण्डः A trunk withont hands and feet,...(कुम्भकर्णः) अगरु. [न गिरति: ग.-उ. न. न.] Agallochum, Amyris ...अगण्डभूतो विवृतो दावदग्ध इव द्रुमः Ram. 6. 68.5. Agallocha. kind of चन्दनः also अगुमः संचारितेचागुरुसारयोनौ अगण्य . 1 Countless, immense;°पण्यविस्तारितमणि DR.1. धूपे समुत्सर्पति वैजयन्तीः R. 6.8. -2 Not deserving to be counted (अहे यत): worthless, अगर्दभः A mule. immaterial. अगतिः . [न. त.] 1 Want of resort or recourse; m fat a. Ved. Without good pasture grounds for necessity. -2 Want of access (lit. & fig.); अगतिस्तत्र eattle, barren (क्षेत्रम) अगव्यूति क्षेत्रमागन्म देवाः Rv.6.47.20. रामस्य यत्र गमिष्यामि विहायसा Ram; मनोरथानामगतिर्न विद्यते Ku. अगस्ति [विन्ध्याख्यं अगं अस्यतिः अस्-क्तिचू शकन्वादि०, Un.4. 5.64, Soo under गति. -3 Evil path; अगतिश्च गतिश्चैव लोकस्य 179, or अगं विन्ध्याचलं स्त्यायति स्तभ्नाति, स्यै-क; or अगः कुम्भः विदिता तब Mb. 12. 16.6. तत्र स्त्यानः संहतः इत्यगस्त्यः ] 1 Pitcher-borm, N. ofa celebrated Rişi or snge. -2 N. of the star Canopus, of अगति (ती) क.. 1 Helpless, without any resort or resource; बालमेनमगतिमादाय Dk.9; दण्डस्त्वगतिका गतिः 7.1. which Agastya is the regent. -3N. of a plant (बकवृक्ष) Sesbana (or Aschynomene ) (mandiflora Mar. 810. -2 The last resource or shift; अगतिका गतिथेषा पापा रुईमंदार ]. | The sager Agastya is a very roputed personराजोपसेविनाम् । V. 1. अगतीकगतीनस्मान्नष्टार्थानर्थसिद्धये Mb. 12. age in Ilindu mythology. In the Rigveda head 10. 16. Vasistha are said to be the off-springs of Mitra and अगद . [नास्ति गदो रोगो यस्य] 1 Healthy, sound, Varuņa, whose sood fell from them at the sight of the free from disease, in good health नरोऽगदः Ms. 8. 107. -2 lovely nymph Urvasi at a sacrificial session. L'art of (गद् भाषणे-अच, न. त.) Not sponking or telling. -3 Free the sevd fell into a jar un port into water; from the from judicial Rffiction.-दः [नास्ति गदो रोगो यस्मात ] 1 A I former arose Agastyat, who is, therefore, called Kummerlicine, to medicinal drug : इति चिन्ताविषन्नोऽयमगदः किं न ___bhayoni, Kumbhnjunmal, Ghatodbhava, Kalasayoni पीयते II Pr. 2); विषन्नेरगदेश्चास्य सर्वव्याणि योजयेत् Ms. 7. &c: from the latter Vasisth. From his parentage 18. -2 Hoalth, freedom from disease; औषधान्यगदो विद्या Agastya is also called Maitravaruni, Aurvaseya, and, देवी च विविधा स्थितिः। तपसैव प्रसिध्यन्ति तपस्तेषां हि साधनम् || Ms. as he was very small when he was born, he is also 11.237. (अगदः गदाभावः नैरुज्यमिति यावत् Kull.)-3 The called Manya. IIe is represented to have luumbled the science of antidotes; one of the 8 parts of medical Vindhya mountains by making them prostrate themscience, -राज: good medicine; यस्तनोत्यगदराज इवोपयुक्तः selves before him when they tried to rise higher and Bhag. 10.47.59. higher till they wellnigh occupied the sur's dise and अगदंकारः [अगदं करोति; अगद कृ-अण् मुमागमश्च; कारे obstructed his path. See Vindhya. (This fable is सत्यागदस्य; P. VI. 3.70] A physician. supposed by some, to ty pify the progress of the Aryas अगद्यति Don. P. To have good health. towards the south in their conquest and civilization of India, the humbling of the mountain standing metaअगम a अग q. v. बभूवुरगमाः सर्वे मारुतेन विनिर्धताः phorically for the removal of physical obstacles in Ram.b. 14. 17. their way ). He is also known by the names of Pitaअगम्य a. [न गन्तुमर्हति गम्-यत् ; न. त.] 1 Not fit to be bdhi, Samudra-chuluka &c.; from another fable accordwalked in or approached, unapproachable, inaccessible ing to which he drank up the ocean becauso it had (lit. & fig.), योगिनामप्यगम्यः &c. -2 Inconceivable, in- offended him and because he wished to help Indra and comprehensible; मनसोऽगम्य ईश्वरः God transcends mind the gods in their wars with a class of demons called (conception or thought); याः सम्पदस्ता मनसोऽप्यगम्याः Kaleyas who had hid themselves in the waters and For Private and Personal Use Only


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