same lot has befallon you again. remove the unexpected visitor. My You proceed more determined this idea is that he should see, for a time, but the soul too is wise en- few seconds, if he is so much ad. ough to lead you astray with & Vanced in practice as to go on with still stronger force. She cries "And his meditation calmly, otherwise have you forgotten all about your he should get rid of his intervener love?" and you are lost once more. rather than haste over the remainIn this way you are deceived sever ing beads mindlessly and trembl. ral times through your fire senses, ing all through, to come to the and the mind, till at last you grow main subject. Having tried your experienced and determined.
DY patience to the utmost and fully constant practice you become all- satisfied herself as to your anxiety absorbed in deep self-meditation to know her, the soul welcomes you and cease to deviate from the path, saying, "you have now fully deserv. It is, then that the soul receives ed to learn about me.” She then you with open arms, though even appears in her right colour, glowing then she does net disclose herself with a pure white transcendent to you. She keeps silent to make lustre, and begins to divulge her you wait till you reach the stage true nature to the seeker after when the powers of your senses knowledge thus :gre all benumbed, Bo much so, that
I am what you call Jira if a needle be pricked into your Drayva. From eternity I am in the body, you do not feel it.
company of matter (Pudgal ) which It is to be observed, by the is another Dravga quite distinct, . way, that it requires a great deal and having opposite qualities. I am of practice before men can so com. mixed up with it like ore metal. I pletely engage in self concentration have always been faithfully attachag not to be affected at all by out- ed to this my companion, consider. ward influences or inward feeling. ing him to be my friend but on It does no good to a man to deceive later thoughts, I find him my enemy bimself by pretending that he has
in disquise. I have ever loved &quired self concentration. He must
him most affectionately. I have de. try self-control and get accustomed
rived pleasure in his pleasure and to it. Our Jains Sadbus suffered
grived in his grief. He has been attthe twenty-two pains, or Prisahas
acked by disease and I have cried, as they are called, not so much to
misfortunes have befallen him and 1 be purposely and intentionally sub
have wept, bonours have been best. ject to them as to focus their tho.
owed upon him and I have rejoiced, in ught towards their Atma 80 that fact. I have wholly oiven myself un they may not be disturbed by any. to him, become one with him, lost mỹ thing from without. Surposing a individuality as it were trusting that beginner is repeating his formula he would never mislead me; but just on the rosary when & wasp comes see, how he has requitted my love flying and sits on his nose. Now and regard for him. He has utterly some Jains, ( with some pretension blinded me. He has made ine forget to have read the Cbarnanuyoga my true self, my true attributes, my section of our Shastras ) would un. true function, and to cut the matter doubtedly say that he should on short, my true everything. He has no account, lift up his finger to not only blinded me but crippled me
Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat