with a vengeance, quite unprecedented Can the Anglo-Indian not underin the history of the Jain Community. stand this? I believe he has sense The feelings of the mass of the Jains enough, if he will; but he seems to are now distinctly alienated from the be too much self-centred, very asgovernment, and in a subsequent arti- suming, and highly narrow-minded cle I will try to put succinctly the to do so. I wish, as Mr. Ghamat says reasons that have led them to become that the missionaries should teach extremists, reasons which send a thrill such essentially unchristian persons of horror in my frame. The curse of the much boasted of Christian virtues this mischief lies heavily on the rather than try to convert a few heads of the government and its syco
pariabs, for which act of grace all phants, who may denounce the verna
India will be thankful to them. cular press as factories of lies, but are theroselves only instruments of
16-6-08. cstrangement,
(JHUMAN LAL M. A, L. L. B.) It is always a pleasant, though you, she comes with innumerable tests a difficult task to associate with the to ascertain your resolution in the soul for a few moments. By self how- pursuit of her. ever, is not meant the self as mani You concentrate your attention sest to the outward eye, for it is and in the first place set about not pure self. Pure self cannot show knowing the whereabouts of the itself externally. It must bave, what soul. At last I find that conwe may call the non-self to act as sciousness tells you the place of the · base, before it can 80 show
self soul. You direct your attention Thus the self is the eternal voice toward her, and she, loth to let you in us which silently whispers I approach her so easily, begins to am” in our ears, that invisible sound you, as it were. With this tbing which distinguishes
object at one time it says : Hark!
life from death, that abstract Chaitanya
who knocks at your ears”. You which entitles man to be
direct your attention there but soon
called a koower: in short, that immortal
recall it. However you find that substance which we call soul.
you have fallen back to the point But, as has already been said,
from which you started. You re. it is very difficult to communicate
trace your footsteps and move a directly with the soul. Before con- little further than before, when the senting to let you see her, she must
soul suddenly exclaims Oh! How first assured that you are in pretty!". You begin to look in the earnest about seeing her. Even after direction pointed out and on re. . she has agreed to an interview with suming your course see tbat the
Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat