Book Title: Sambodhi 1972 Vol 01
Author(s): Dalsukh Malvania, H C Bhayani
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad

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Page 249
________________ Jainism and Sakhya he finite and variabis. alpervedings were the body which it c 6 Accordingto the Sankhyas, soul isallpervading whereasaccording to the Jainas its size 19 finite and variable, being always co-extensive with the body which it occuples from time to time 4. Let us take note of the fact that what the Jalna theoreticians say logically applies to the mundade souls because the emancipated ones have no body at all the body, the limiting condition being absent the soul should pervade the entire loke. But the Jaloes do not accept this They contend that the size of the Kiberated soul is almost equal to the size of the body which it occupied in its last birth 27 It is noteworthy that the Yoga, a philosophical system supple mentary to the Sankhya, maintains that citta is sadkocayık sasula, that is, according to the Yoga, citta assumes the size of the body which it Occupies te 7 Both the Jalna and Sankhya philosophies believe lo the plorality of souls * This plurality is not unreal like the plurality of many reflections of one thing It is natural and real Hence it is found even in the sale of Hberation 30 The doctrine of Karma is not compatible with the tbeory of One Soul Even the Buddhists who believe in the theory of Karmi mat tala the plurality of cittasantanas 8 The Jaloa and the Sankhya-Yoga philosophles use the term Stevati for the emancipated soul This term denotes both 'Isolation' and 'perfoction, 25 निष्क्रियस्य विभो पुरुषस्य गत्यसम्भवादित्यर्थ । सां.प्र. मा. १४२॥ 26 प्रदेशसंहारविसर्पाभ्यां प्रदीपवत् । तत्त्वार्थसूत्र ५.१६ । भमूर्तस्वभाषस्यास्मनोऽनाविन्य प्रत्येकत्वात् कथञ्चिन्मूर्तता विध्रन कार्मपशरीरवशान्महराणु च शरीरमरितिष्तस्तासात प्रदेव सहरणविसर्पणस्वमावस्य तावत्प्रमाणतायां सत्यामसहाययभागादिषु वृत्तिापपयते, श्रीपाद सर्वार्थसिद्धि ५१६। Of course Jainas have accepted the possibility of soul pervading the whole Universe (Loka) in Kerallsamudghata 27 उस्सेहो जस्स जो होह भवम्मि चरमम्मि उ। तिभागहीणा तत्तो य सिद्धाणोगाहणा भवे॥६॥ -उत्तराभ्ययन, मध्ययन । 28 अप्रासादप्रदीपकल्प सोचविकासि चित्त शरीरपरिमाणावरमात्रमित्वपरे प्रतिपन्या । वृत्तिरेवास्य विभुनवित्तस्य सोचषिकासिनीस्याचार्य । योगभाग्य ४१.1 माचः स्वः तत्ववै.४१०। अपरे सारख्या ..... । भावार्य पतम्बाकि... योगपातिक ४१० । 29 ससारिणो मुक्काच । सत्त्वार्थसू० २.१० । जीवाश्च । तस्वार्थसू. ५.३ । सार स्यका. १८। 50 संसारिणो मुक्काच। तत्त्वार्थसु० २.१० । कैवल्य प्राप्ताहि पन्ति बाद रचिव। योगमाष्य १२४ ।


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