Book Title: Sambodhi 1972 Vol 01
Author(s): Dalsukh Malvania, H C Bhayani
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad

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Page 328
________________ NM Kansara the king dismounts from his charger and proceeds on foot with a lute in his hands 17 Thus, the charge of Udayana having been left alone and uapro. tected could not apply to Bhaga's version (U) Bhasa's mentions that the ambush was not easily recongnizablo aince, according to the spy's report obtained by Yaugandharayana, the artificial elephant was located among numerous wild elephants,de and the ele. pbant could not be located except by its tusks, undistioguishable as it was from the shade of Hke-coloured Sxle trees 19 It was only when the clophant juddenly rushed towards comparatively isolated Udayana that the latter Immediately divined the conspiracy of Pradyote and proceeded to foll tho ambush by informing the foot-soldiers and encouraging them to fight the enemy out 2 Bbása has depicted that Udayana started for the Nagavana before his minister Yaugandharayana could convey to him the report of the spics regarding Pradyota's conspiracya Thus, Bhasa has devised aufficient grounds due to which the spy-report could not reach the king in time (lli) The ministers in Bhaga's version are very active in operating the apy-ring ass clear from the fact that Yaugandharayana gets in advance the Information about a foot-soldier who informed Udayana about the Nila 17 Opcit. I p to हंसका- सुन्दरपाडळ णाम मस्स भालुहिम अणदागए सुय्ये बिसदिमत्तेहि पदादिहि मह पमादो मा । op at, Ip 11 दिग्गवारणपरिस्ठन्दो। op dt, Ip 11 हंसक-तदो भट्टिणा मोदरिम भस्सादो भाभमिम देवदाण पणाम करिभ गहोदा वीणा । Opa, Ip 4 यौगन्ध-. मो । वनगजपच्छादितशरीर नीलहस्तिनमुपन्यस्य प्रद्योत स्वामिन छलयितुकाम इति प्रतिरुपगता म । 19 Opat, Ip 10 इसक- सानुक्खछाभाए सवण्णणठणीळदाए परुन्मासिदेहि असरीरविणिक्खित्तेहि विभ दस्त जुगळेहि सइदो घणुमदमण विम दिवो सो दिव्वधारणपसिस्छन्दो । 20 0p ct. pp_10-111 इसक-सदो णामगोत्सग्गहणेण समस्सासिण कुळवुत्तजण सव्यथा पज्जोदपओभो एसो, अणुग हम तिमणिन भट्टा पविठ्ठो एव परवळ । 21 Op. cit, I pe यौगन्ध -इसकन खलु गत स्वामी नागवनम् । हसक-अय्य । हिजो एष गदो भट्टा। यौगन्ध-हन्त निष्फलमनुप्रेषणम् । छलिता स्म । भयास्ति प्रत्याशा, अथैव प्राणा मोक्तम्या ।


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