Oh virtuous man! you do not speak harsh, if harsh words have been spoken by the other, even then you laugh. Having laughed you speak loving words. Your nature is similar to whom, we do not know.
Oh virtuous man! you do not desire the ill of others and you always do good to others; you are not angry with anybody on account of offences (done against you). (Therefore), salutation to your nature.
What is the use of even many qualities of the virtuous man? Satisfaction occurs only by his two qualities: unstable anger like lightening and friendship like the line on stone.
To elevate the poor, to do good on getting a person having come for shelter and to forgive even offences done against himself - only the virtuous man knows (all these).
The earth holds two persons or (if it is said) the earth has been held only by two persons. (First) whose mind is in beneficence (and) (secondly) who does not forget the conferred beneficence.
Jain Prakrta Prose and Verse
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