(c) Nyayamani
The third work is Nyāyamaņidipikā. Two Mss. of this work are preserved in Jain Siddhānta Bhavan, Arrah. The name of the author is not found in the Mss. Pandit Subayya Sāstri says that in some palm leaf Mss. of this work, the name of the writer is mentioned as Ajitasenāchārya. Pandit K. Bhujavali Šāstri says that this is supported by "Catalogue of Sanskrit and Prākrita Manuscripts in the Central Provinces and Berar by R. B. Hiralal B. A. Appendix B"1.
The author has made obeisance to Akalanka, Anantavirya, Māņikyanandi and Prabhāchandra in the Mangalācharaṇa of his work?. As regards commentaries to Parikşāmukham, he mentions that Prabhāchandra wrote an exhaustive commentary entitled Prameyakamalamārtaņda. Though this work was suitable to scholars, there was a necessity for a shorter and easier commentary. Hirapa Vaiśya the son of Vaijeya of the family of Badripāla requested Ananta-virya to teach Santisena. Anantavirya composed Prameya-ratna-mālā under these circumstances.
1. - Notes by Pandit K. Bhujavali Sastri on Prasasti sangraha Page 2-3 (Jain Siddhānta Bhāskar Bhāga II. Kiraņa 1'). 2. श्रीवर्द्धमानमकलंकमनन्तवीर्यमाणिक्यनंदियतिभाषितशास्त्रवृत्तिम् । "भक्त्या प्रभेन्दुरचितालघुवृत्तिदृष्टया नत्वा यथाविधि वृणोमि । लघुप्रपञ्चम् ॥"
Nyaya-mani-dipika. 3. "तदनु तत्प्रकरणस्य विशिष्टतमोऽतिस्पष्टं....प्रभाचन्द्रभट्टारकः प्रमेयकमलमार्तण्डनामवृहपृत्तिं चरीकरोति स्म। तद् वृत्तिग्रन्थस्य....सकलविद्वञ्चित्तप्रकाशकत्वेऽपि....बालान्तःकरण....प्रकाशनसामर्थ्याभावमाकलय्य तत्प्रकाशनाय.... प्रमेयरत्नमालेत्यन्वर्थनामोवहती....लध्वी वृत्ति....अनन्तवीर्याचार्यवयों....वैजेयप्रियसूनुना हीरपाख्यवैश्योत्तमेन वदरीपालवंशद्युमणिना शान्तिषेणाध्यापनाभिलाषिणा प्रेरितः सन् प्रारीपसुः....” Ibid.
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