117 Faire-profãęta 11 93 11 53. Svārtha-parārthabhedāt.
FruiETIETH 1198 11 54. Svārthamuktalakṣaṇam.
परार्थ तु तदर्थपरामर्शिवचनाजातम् ॥५५॥ 55. Parārtham tu tadarthaparāmarsivachanājjātam. 52. This Anumāna is of two kinds : 53. Svārtha and Parārtha. 54. Svārtha ( Anumāna) has already been defined.
55. Parārtha ( Anumāna ) arises from words touching that (Svārthānumāna )*.
· Anumāna is of two kinds, Svārthānumāna and Parārthānumāna. The former variety has been defined in aphorism 14 of the third samuddeśa of this work viz. “the knowledge of Sādhya ( the major term e. g. fire) from Sādhana or Hetu (the middle term e. g. smoke ) is Anumāna." Parārthānumāna arises through words of another.
"Inference is of two kinds : 1. Svārthānumāna, inference for one's own self, and 2. Parārthānumāna, inference for the sake of others. The first kind is the inference drawn in one's own mind after having made repeated observations. Suppose that having repeatedly seen in the kitchen and other places, that where there is smoke there is fire, and having realised in his mind that there is a universal antecedence of fire in respect of smoke, a man after
* "तद्विधा स्वार्थ परार्थ च।" "स्वार्थ स्वनिश्चितसाध्याविनाभावैकलक्षणात् ATTATA ATANIAH, II" "sted TheTEAIH9ast: 9721"
Pramāņamimāṁsā, 1. 2. 8, 1, 2, 9, and II, 1, 1,
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