पञ्चमः समुद्देशः SAMUDDEŚA V.
अज्ञाननिष्टत्तिनोपादानोपेक्षाच फलम् ॥ १ ॥
1. Ajñāna-nivrittirhanopādānopeksāścha phalam.
1. The result is the dispelling of false knowledge and leaving ( the undesirable things ), acquirement ( of desirable things) and indifference ( to other things ).
The result of Pramāņa primarily consists of correct knowledge dispelling false knowledge, secondarily it leads to the acquirement of desirable objects, discarding of undesirable objects and indifference to other objects. This secondary result arises after we ascertain an object correctly by Pramāņa1.
Hemachandra mentions: when Pramāņa arises in a person, the correct knowledge of an object is established. The immediate result is therefore the destruction of false knowledge, or the idea of leaving ( the undesirable ) etc. The following verse of Nyāyāvatāra is quoted in the commentary by Hemachandra.
"प्रमाणस्य फलं साक्षादज्ञान विनिवर्त्तनम् । केवलस्य सुखोपेक्षे शेषस्यादानहानधीः ॥"
1. “द्विविधं हि फलं साक्षात् पारम्पर्येणेति । साक्षादज्ञाननिवृत्तिः पारम्पर्येण हानादिकमिति । प्रमेयनिश्चयोत्तरकालभावित्वात् तस्येति ।”
2. " तस्यां सत्यामर्थप्रकाशसिद्धेः । "
" अज्ञाननिवृत्तिर्वा ।” "हानादिबुद्धयो वा ।”
Jain Education International
Pramāna-mimāmsā I. 1. 38.
Ibid. I. 1. 39. Ibid. I. 1. 41.
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