The Sacred Books of the Jainas
THTHTATTAR II 33 11 11. Idamanumānābhāsaņ. . 11. The following are fallacies of Anumāna.
Commentary Anumīna has been defined in Aphorism 11 of Samuddeśa III Anumāna is employed by using Pakşa, Hetu and Dristānta. Fallacies of these viz Paksābhāsa, Hetvābhāsa and Driştāntābhāsa with their subdivisions will be described in the following aphorisms.
att faetfe 927TATA: 11 8811 12. Tatrāniştādi pakşābhāsaḥ.
अनिष्टो मीमांसकस्यानित्यः शब्दः ॥ १३ ॥ 13. Anisto mimāņsakasyānityaḥ sabdaḥ.
fhE: Tam: Toc: 118811 14. Siddhaḥ śrāvaṇaḥ śabdaḥ.
वाधितः प्रत्यक्षानुमानागमलोकस्ववचनैः ॥ १५ ॥ 15. Vădhitaḥ pratyakşānumānāgamalokasvavachanaiḥ.
12. Among them Pakşābhāsa ( fallacy of the minor term or thesis ) is Anista ( un-accepted ) etc.
13. Anista (un-accepted ) is ( the view of ) Mimāņsakas that sound is momentary.
1!. It is established that sounds can be heard by the ear.
15. Opposition ( may exist ) from Pratyakşa, Anumāna, Āgama, popular acceptance and one's own words.
The followers of Mimāmsā philosophy hold that sound is eternal. So in their case there will be Pakşābhāsa if we establish that sound is momentary. In the definition of Pakşa we haye laid
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