Science and Religion : Conflict and Convergence :
The scriptural authority is based on revealed truth for ethical and moral development. Their authenticity on natural phenomena has become questionable in view of their multiplicit and manipulative character and contradictory, scientifically inaccurate and obsolete descriptions as realized by the second Vatican Council and explained by M. Buchaille. Despite Radhakrisnan, Satyabhakta says that these descriptions have entered into the scriptures as, in the old days, authors were supposed to be all-knowing as Kashi Pandits in India even today for common folk. They, therefore, had to satisfy their curiosities in other matters or areas of knowledge. They could tell them what was known or could be thought by them, sometimes even to glorify themselves. Science takes these descriptions in a logical and historical perspective rather than intuitional. Revelations have been mingled in these descriptions“.
It may be pointed out that the religion-science conflict is limited to those fields or issues, which are found in scriptures. They include (i) de-deification of stars, (ii) helio-centricity of earth (1529), (iii) age of earth and first appearance of man, (iv) theory of evolution (1859), (v) artificial control of natural reproductivity and contraception, (vi) synthesis of genes and life in laboratories, (vii) test tube babies and children without copulation and the like. Intellectual and observational methods have yielded non-scriptural concepts about them. The punishment by religious authorities to the scientists have improved the image of science in common man's minds. Jain“ has posed the question of the relevancy of religion under such conditions and he has tried to answer this by the suggestion that it will still be more than necessary to fill the vacuum created by scientific progress by shedding the man's natural courses of happiness. He will realize the inner more scientifically.
The following results of the conflict are clear: (a) Charging and counter-charging are going on for centuries on both
sides and this has proved confusing to the believers or religionists. The science is charged with eroding religion, materialistic, psychologically disruptive and warmongers will religion be charged with anti-scientific, too spiritualistic to give us a concept of sinful or deceptive world we live in, anti-progressive and what not. There seems to be no end until reason prevails. This has been
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