was rewritten on the 6th day of the bright half of Așadha (July) of the samvat year 1934 corresponding to 1877 A, D. It has a brief marginal gloss. It begins; * 741 afatite m QHTI AHISHATI..The original page ends : 14 Hellcio......GETAHT afazzant het. In second hand we have further : 9 € 30 aŭ HTEYTHR 248ë funifazit (fala 38 ) TIHEYAT Harga Tiroe asic Filc... icare...... The replaced page ends : बलदेवदास टौंग्याकाकारज मोती असाडसुदी ६ समत १९३४ का सालम श्रीषीयामंडीका मंदर पंचाइतामंदरने चडायो 113 113 1111811
This Baladevadas had before him the damaged page of the Ms in two parts, the first part of which is still preserved alongwith the Ms at the Institute. The year 1630 put on the original page and the Patļāvalı portion on the original page seems to have been written in a different hand.
In addition to these three Mss fully collated, I have made full use of the Tippana of Prabhācandra, a Ms of which was procured for my use by Professor Hiralal Jain from Master Motilal Sanghi Jain of Jaipur. This Ms of the Tippapa has 57 leaves measuring 12 inches by 5 inches with 13 lines to a page and 31 letters to a line. It begins : 30 74: the 4: 461 454647: and ends : staat 4 at 29101431154धिकसहस्रे महापुराणविषमपदविवरणं सागरसनसेद्धांतान पारशाय मूलाटप्पणकां चालाक्य कृतमिदं समुच्चयाटप्पणं ।। मशपातभीतेन श्रीमदलात्कारगणश्रासघाचार्यसत्कविशिष्येण श्राचद्रमुानना नजदोदंडाभिभूतारपुराज्यविजायनः श्रामोजदेवस्य ॥१०२॥ इतिउत्तरपुराणाटप्पणक प्रमाचंद्राचार्यावराचतं समाप्त ॥ छ।। अथ संवत्सस्मिन् श्रा नृपावक्रमादित्यगताब्दः संवत् १५७५ वर्ष भाद्रवा सुदि। बुद्धदिने। कुरुमांगलदसे । सुलतान सिकंदरपुत्रु सुनितानब्राहमुराज्यप्रवतेमाने श्राकाष्ठासंघ माथुरान्वय पुष्करगणे। भट्टारकलागुणभद्रसूारदवा। तदाम्नायं जैसवालु चौ. टोडरमल्लु। इद उत्तरपुराणटाका लिखापत । सुभं भवतु । मांगल्यं ददाति लेखकपाठकयोः ॥ छ ।
The colophon of this Ms raises some interesting problems which have been fully discussed in my Introduction to Vol I, page xv, aud hence it is not necessary to restate and reexamine them here. I need only say that i have made full use of this T as also of the marginal gloss in K and P in constituing my text and in preparing my Foot-Notes,
There is one more Ms of the Uttarapurāpa known to me. It is deposited in the Balätkára Gana Jain Mandir at Karanja, Berar, and bears No 7029 in the Catalogue of Sanskrit & Prakrit Mss in the C. P. and Berar, by the late Rai Bahadur Hiralal. This Ms is dated Thursday the 8th day of the dark half of Märgaśīrṣa of the samvat year 1606, i, e., 1549 A. D. I have personally examined this Ms at Karanja during my visits to that place in 1927 & 1929, have had some trial collations, was promised the loan of it by the trustees of the temple, but could not get it when I actually required it owing to some strange attitude which the trustees then took. From my trial collations however, it appears that this Ms agrees very closely with P which is fully collated for this edition.
I have constituted my text in this Volume on the material described above. In doing so I have mostly relied upon the text as preserved in K which was found to represent the earliest of three recensions of the Uttarapurāna.
SUMMARY OF CONTENTS This Second Volume of the Mahăpurāna contains samdhis XXXVIII-LXXX of the great epic, and describes the lives of twenty Tirthamkaras beginning with Ajita the second and ending with Nami the twenty-first, eight each of the nine
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