Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 55
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Stephen Meredyth Edwardes, Krishnaswami Aiyangar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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[ April, 1926
As regards the fourth line, Madhura of the Lives of the Poets styles himself “Karnatakalakshana-bhåshå kavirajanaṁ pravilasadvåni-mukhåmbhojanaṁ." Madhura of the inscription describes his poetic ability in the same terms in the fourth line and adds that, as Lakshmi. dhara has become his patron, lre purposely uses the phrase "Lakshmanapâda-sarojanań pravilasaddhatri mukhambhojanam.” It seems therefore fairly certain that Madhura who is
Karnataka-lakshana-bhasha-kaviraja' and the Madhura who calls himself 'NirnitakarnataLakshmanapâda-sarojanam' are one and the same poet. It is obvious that in addition to having been a protégé of Muddadandeshvar, Madhura had become the recipient of the liberal patronage of Lakshmidhara.
Moreover he describes himself as 'Madhura Kavendra Bhunathasthåna-chudámani' (the eminent poet Madhura, ornament of the court of Bhunatha), and in giving details in the inscription of Deva Raya's lineage, he indulges in various eulogies of that ruler. From this fact we may conclude that Madhura was also Deva Raya's poet-laureate.
Madhura's works are not easy to obtain. This inscription is essentially a short poem, and contains all the distinctive features of true poetry. The attractiveness of his style can best be seen in the portion of the inscription devoted to a sketch of Lakshmidhara.
He first tells us that Lakshmidhara was the prime minster of Devaraya. He styles him The true poet Lakshmidhara,' 'The chief of poets, Lakshmana,' etc., in several places. There can, therefore, be no doubt that Lakshmidhara was not only a real friend to learning and an active supporter of learned men, but was also himself an eminent poet. Unfortunately we know none of his writings, though there are grounds for supposing that among his works were the Kļishnalila, Ananda Ramayana, and Nitivakyamrita.
Madhura gives an instance of Lakshmidhara's keenness and efficiency in the administration of public affairs. Certain bad characters once resolved to assassinate Deva Raya, and armed with keen weapons approached the entrance of the royal chamber. Lakshmidhara heard of the plot, and heeding not of the strength of the enemy, with great daring turned the tables on the miscreants and saved his royal master's life.
BOOK-NOTICES. BOOKS IN SANSKRIT : 1. TANTRARAHASYA, by Price Part I, Rs. 7 and Part II, Rs. 4. Edited
RAMANUJACHARYA, edited by DR. SHAMA SASTRI, by MR. A. MAHADEVA SASTRI, Adyar, Madras. Mysore. (Caekwad's Oriental Series No. 24.)
The first part contains the Sutra with Vriti, Price Rs. 1-8-0.
while the second one the Nityotsava. The book It is well known that the Baroda State is publish
is published with the commentary of Rameswara. ing a useful and scholarly series of Sanskrit books. The book under review is a hand-book to the great
This work, in the words of the editor, is a digest study of the Mimansa Sutras. It is evidently a work
of Srividya, & system of Divine Mother's worship
and is attributed to the authorship of one Paraattributed to Ramanujacharya, & Brahman of the
bu rama. Whether this learned author is the famous Godavari district, belonging to the seventeenth or eighteenth century.
Parasurama of the Ramayana, it is for future It consists of five chapters, dealing respectively with the theory of knowledge
research to decide. The method and arrangement from the point of view of the Mimamsakas, a
are all well thought out and in order. The com. categorical examination of things known, such as
mentary is quite & useful one for those who can the element of caste system, the authority of the
not understand the peculiar technical expressions Vedas to realise religious ideals as distinct from
used by the author. The first part contains ten Becular ones, the rules and regulations laid down in a
chapters dealing in minute detail with the various Sastra or a law treatise, and lastly the correct inter
means and methods of that calt-worship, while pretation of these laws in the light of reason. This
the second part or the Nityotsava bas seven book is edited by Dr. Shama Sastri, the pioneer pub
chapters. The book is very valuable to the follisher of that extant work Kautilya's Arthadaltra.
a lowere of the Bakti, and other allied culte. The The price is comparatively cheap, so as to place it printing and the get up are excellent. within the reach of ordinary students of Sanskrit. 3. CATALOGUE OF MSS. IN JESALMERE BHANDARA. 2 PARAKURĀMA KALPA SOTRAM in two parts. (Gaekwad's Oriental Series No. XXI. Edited by
(Gaekwad's Oriental Series Nos. XXII and XXIII) MR. L. B. GANDHI, Price Rs. 3-4-0.