JUNE, 1926)
5. Slyš Bar Kaisa Salond-How charming is the Bridegroom.
Tect. Shyam siya bar kaisa salona. Sita ka bar kaisa salona. Mor mukat makar&krit : kundal tamê rekh lag&i kajare ki, Shyam siya bar kaisa salona. Jiyara mora dag mag dolat kol sakhi in pardalai na hona. BalihArt yah mukatwale ki. Akhir monhin tumhare sang jana. . Dekho : siya ber kaisa salon&.
Translation. How charming 49 is the gwarthy bridegroom! How charming is the bridegroom of Sita! 48 His peacock crown has the form of a spider 44: a streak of lamp-black has found
its way into it. I am uneasy lest some woman may charm him as he walks in the street. I am & sacrifice to the wearer of the crown. In the end I must go with thee.
See, how charming is the bridegroom ! Zulmi Naina Kahán Lojaan-Where shall I take these tyrannous oyou.
Text. Maharaj, e zulmi naina kah&n lejaan ? Ram maike jadr, raban nahin p&an : sasure aan, dewar lalch&i. Ram, e zulmi nainå kahan lejaan, Ale dhari bilaiá lap kai : chappar par dharun, chilh mandr&ya. Ram, e zulmi naina kahan lejada?
Translation. Maharaj, where shall I take these tyrannous eyes! If I go to Ram's 46 house, I may not stay: if to my father's, my husband's
younger brother covets them. Rám, where shall I take these tyrannous eyes ? If I put them on the shelf, the cat seizes them : if on the roof, the kite hovers
over them. Ram, where shall I take these tyrannous eyes?
(To be continued.)
13 The term salona means salty, fall of salt, and is used to express special charm in a man or woman. 11 Allunion bere to the story of BitAand Rama. # The circular orown of the bridegroom is called makra, a upidor. * Figuratively for my mother's house."