Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 42
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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(JANUARY, 1913.
(57) Next comes the description of the rainy season, both in the R. and in the R. C. J. (B, IV, 27; C, IV, 28; R. C. M., IV, 14-16). The phenomena of nature at this time of the year give Valmiki an opportonity for some beautiful similes between them and the persons in his poem; the same is the case with Tulast Dåsa, only his similes are moral and theological For example the lightning flashing amidst the clouds appears to VAlmiki as Sitâ being carried off by Råvana, whilst to Tulasi Dåsa it looks like the friendship of the vile, whichi never lasts. Next comes the description of the autumn (B, IV, 29; C, IV, 30; R. C.M., IV, 1.7-18).
(58) In the R. O. M. (IV, 25, 1) we find the statement that the monkeys sent in search of Sitâ, wherever they met a rdleshasa, killed him with a single buffet of their hand:
katahum hoi nisichara som bhemta prâna lehim eka eka chapeta
No doubt Tulasi Dasa generalizes here the fact of the rakshasa killed by Argnda in mountain-cave with a blow of the palm of his hand ("talend 'bhijaghána " B, IV, 48, 21; C, IV, 48, 20); in the R. there is no mention of the monkeys's coming across any other rákshasa on their way.
(59) Having failed to get tidings of Sitâ, Angada declines to turn back saying: "Should I return home without news of Sitâ now that the term fized for the return is over, Sugrira would certainly put me to death. He has been my enemy for a long time and would be glad .ito profit by that transgression in order to take his revenge ; it is not Sagriva who made me yuvardja, but Rama." Such is Valmiki's meaning in this passage, which Talasi Dasa reproduces quite unaltered as to the substance, thoagh more concisely as to form : B, IV, 53, 13-14 (C, IV, 53, 170-486 ):
R.C.M., IV, 27, 46-5 : na cha'bam yauvarajye vai Sngriveņâ'bhishechitab 1 nar. uhâm gaye maribi kapirai il piti endre nå 'bhisbikto 'ham Ramega viditâtmana || 13 || Babadhe para mârata mobi raklı pûrvabaddhavairo mâm dřishtvå râjâ vyatikramam! Ráma nihora na ohii. ghâtayishyati tikshạena dandenâ 'ticbiråd gatam || 14 II.
(60) The monkeys shed tears at hearing from Augada that there is no escaping from death : B, IV, 55, 17 (C, IV, 55, 176-182 ):
i R. C.M., IV, 27, 7: tasya çrutvå vachas tatra karuņam vânararshabhaḥ 1 Angada-bachada kupata kapi-bira nayanebhyas tu saspijar netrajam vâri duhkhitah || 17 ||- | boli na sakahim nayapa baba ni.
râ I. (61) At the sight of Sampâti, Angada, thinking his life lost, accounts Jațây u blessed for having given up his life in Râma's service and gone to heaven: B, IV, 56, 120-130 (C. IV, 56, 13):
| R. C. M., IV, 28, 7-8 : sukhito gridhrarajas tu Rivaņena hato rane 11 12 1| muktaç kaha Angada bichari mana mahirit cha Sagrivabhayad gata, cha gatim attamimi
dbanya Jatâyû sama kou nahin B, IV, 56, 156 (C wanting):
Râma-kâja karana tana tyagi dhanyah sa grdhradhipatir Jatayuh. ...
Hari-pura gayaü parama-bada-bla
gill. (62) Sampati saya to the monkeys: "Take courage, according to Niçêkara's prophecy, you will succeed in finding Sita. The restoring of my wings is the best evidence in favor of the truth of that prophecy": B IV, 68, 15C, IV, 63, 126-130 ) :
1 R. C.M., IV, 30, 2: sarvatha kriyatâm yatnah Sitâm adhigamiskyathal biloki dharahu mana dhira lambbe mama'yam vah pratyaksham samnidarçitab t115 11. Râma-ksipä kasa bhayaü sarira II.