(Received on 2. 3. 1959) This set of copper platest was discovered along with three other grants of the Sarabhapariyas at the village of Mallar, about 16 miles from Bilaspur in Madhya Pradesh. The other inscriptions are already published in the pages of this journal."
The met consists of thro. rectangular plates each measuring approximately 6.9 inches in length, 3.5 incbes in height and 1 inch in thickness. There is a square hole about the centre of the left margin on each plato for the seal-ring to pass through. The rims of the plates are thickened and slightly raised for the protection of the writing. The seal attached to the ring holding the plates together resembles that found with the Thakurdiya plates issued by the donor of the charter under study. The three plates together weigh 62 tolas while the seal with the ring weighs 30 tolas. There are altogether 24 lines of writing, the inner sides of the first and third plates and the obverse of the second having each 6 lines and the reverse of the second plate and the outer side of the third respectively 5 lines and 1 line only. As in a few other inscriptions of the family, the last line recording the name of the engraver is incised about the middle of the reverse of the plate.
The characters belong to the box-headed alphabet of Central India as found in most of the records of the Sarabhapuriya family and the language of the inscription is Sanskrit. Excepting five of the usual benedictory and imprecatory verses, the whole charter is written in proxe. As regards palaeography, orthography and style, the grant closely resembles other charters of the Sarabhapuriya family, especially the Thakurdiyā plates referred to above. Upadhmānīya has been used once in line 14. In one case, the record uses v for b (of. line 9). The numerical figures for 3 and 2 have been used in line 23. As regards orthography, the reduplication of consonants following is generally noticed. 8 has been similarly reduplicated in line 13. A number of words have been wrongly spelt, e.g. vikrama and sämannta (line 1), simanto (line 2), bhogiya (line 4), vahuricha (line 9), tāmbra and srishtah (line 10), 4u-rishuddhão (line 14), shashti (line 18). singhena (line 24), etc. The grant was issued on the 2nd day of Pausba in the 3rd year of the donor's reign.
This is the second charter of king Pravara II of the Sarabhapuriya family. It was issued from Sripura shortly after the issue of the same king's Thākuidiyā plates dated in the month of Märgabitshs of the 3rd regnal year. The object of the present grant is to record the gift of the village of Mitra-grăma situated in Sankhachakra-bhoga by the king to the Brähmana Subhachandra, son of Dämodaragana belonging to the Bhärad vāja göra, for the merits of the donor's parents and of himself. The gift village was made a rent-free holding free from the entrance of the chātas and bhatas. The house-holders of the village were advised to pay the king's share of the produce (bhāga) as well as the periodical offerings (bhoga) to the donee. The charter was engraved by Gölasimha who was also responsible for engraving the Thakurdiya plates and some charters of Sudēva, all of which were issued from Sripure. We do not know how Gõlasimha was related to Achalasimha and Drönasimhs who are known to have engraved the charters of the family issued from Sarabhapura.
King Pravara II was the son of king Durga alias Mānamätra and was probably the younger brother of Sudēva. Before the recent discovery of the Mallär plates of the time of Pravara I, son of Jaya, it was generally believed that, after the rule of Jaya, the Sarabhapuriya throne passed on to his younger brother Durga alias Mānamätra who was himself followed respectively by his
1 This is No. A 7 of A.R. Ep., 1968-69.
For the other three inscriptions, see above, PP. 28 ff.; 47 ff.; Vol. XXXIII, PP. 165 ff. . Above, Vol. XXII, pp. 16 ff. and Platos. • Cf. abovo, Vol. XXXI, pp. 101 ff. and Plate.
Prof. Mirashi read the namo incorrectly as Bolasimha (above, Vol. XXII, p. 23). . Above, pp. 47 ff.