An appendix follows containing a dissertation on the epochs of various eras used in India, viz:
Saptarshi, Kaliyuga, Vira-Nirvana, Buddha-Nirvāua. Maurya, Selucidi. Vikrama,
Saka, Kalachuri, Gupta, Gängeya, Harsha, Bhalika, Kollam, Nevara. ChalukyaVikrama, Simha, Lakshmanasana, Puduveppu, Räjyäbhisheka, Barhaspalya, Grahaparivritti, solar and lunar ycars, Hijri, Sāhūra, Fasli, Visayat, Amli, Bengali,
Magi and Christian eras.
The second part comprises 84 plates. The relation of the various plates to diferent chapters of the text has been detailed above.
In the plates - 70 dealing with the various scripts, covering the period from the 3rd century B.C. to the 16th century A.D., the following method has been adopted :
Vowels, consonants, consonants with vowel particles, conjunct consonants and special
symbols or formations are selected from important inscriptions, copper-plates, coins and manuscripts of the period in question and arranged in proper order under the corresponding Nāgari characters. Then follow a few lines from the same sources in original for exercise in deciphering. The characteristies of each script and special formations are traced and explained in the chapter relating to
the plate, which also contains a Vāgari transcript of the lines given for exercise.
Extracts in original are not given for exercise in plates 60-64, as all inscriptions found in these characters are in Tamil language, and not Sanskrit,
I trust that those interested in the subject will find in this book all that is required for the beginner, and that my book will arouse interest among my countrymen and induce them to follow this fascinating study, which has helped, and will continue to help, the restoration of an authentic history of India. Should it prove so, my labours will have been more than amply rewarded.
The 18th tuyul 1919.
Ahol Shrutgyanam