Book Title: Agam 02 Ang 02 Sutrakrutang Sutra Part 02 Sthanakvasi
Author(s): Sudharmaswami, Hemchandraji Maharaj, Amarmuni, Nemichandramuni
Publisher: Atmagyan Pith
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यद्यपि 'सूयगडंग' पर भद्रबाहुस्वामी की प्राकृत भाषा में 'निर्युक्ति' और आचार्य शीलाक की संस्कृत भाषा में "बृहदवृत्ति" उपलब्ध हैं, किन्तु इस ग्रन्थ के हिन्दी व्याख्यासहित जितने भी संस्करण मिलते हैं, उनमें पण्डित श्री पदमचन्दजी महाराज ' भण्डारीजी' की प्रेरणा से प्रवचनभूषण श्री अमरमुनिजी महाराज द्वारा सम्पादित एवं पंडितरत्न श्री हेमचन्द्रजी महाराज के बृहदभाष्य से समलंकृत श्री सूत्रकृतांग सूत्र अनुपम एवं अद्वितीय है ।
आत्म ज्ञानपीठ, मानसा से प्रकाशित यह ग्रन्थ पुस्तकालयों के लिए संग्रहणीय, पुरातन भारतीय संस्कृति की संरक्षा के लिए उपादेय एवं भावी प्रशस्त परम्परा के निर्माण में सक्षम है ।
Prof. Dr. W. Bollee,
University of Heidelberg, West Germany.
"......First, I welcome every interest in the Suyagaḍa of late, in fact of every new edition of an Ardhamāgadhi text, as it shows that the Jain community is still conscious of its cultural heritage and ours are difficult times..........-As for their text the editors most times follow the vṛtti tradition which I believe is better than Jambūvijaya's; because of the elimination of the ta-śrutis.......... In a stanza like 1, 1, 2, 20 the chāyā must read nyāyārthino as I pointed out on p. 97 of my Studien. This example illustrates very well the grade of difficulty of the Suyagaḍa which often does not rank far below the Rigveda. The criteria for judging a work like the one under discussion are different from those applied to e.g., a German Doktorarbeit, of course. The editors and the author of the commentary are monks learned in the tradition......... Nevertheless, such a book has its use also for us, because pandits know the texts by heart, whereas we often have access to them. If they possess an index or a glossary, what I look for in it is e.g., the identification of a quotation or its adducing a parallel from another text.........”
Prof. Dr. J. Deleu,
University of Ghent, Belgium.
The work in question I would, in a general way, say that every new attempt to deal with this very important canonical text is extremely welcome, whether it comes from India or elsewhere. The editors have taken great pains to provide a neat text. A chāyā always is the best way to let the reader know what you think is the true linguistic
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