Elaboration—In the preceding two paragraphs three means of knowing the invisible soul have been stated
(1) By remembering about earlier births through jati-smaraninana (knowledge of earlier births), avadhi-jnana (extrasensory perception of the physical dimension), other such higher knowledge, own inspiration, or automatic triggering of past memories.
Some of the main causes of jati-smaran-jnana are as follows
(1) Uvasantmohanijjam-due to suppression of mohaniya karma (illusory korma) as was the case with Nami Rajarishi.
(Uttaradhyayan Sutra) (2) Ajjhavasansuddhi-due to purification of attitude, feeling, and leshya (the colour-code indicator of purity of soul) as was the case with Mrigaputra.
(Uttaradhyayan Sutra 19) Some individuals acquire jati-smaran-jnana through outside influence and others in natural course due to kshayopasham (the process of extinction-cum-suppression) of karmas obstructing that knowledge.
On acquisition of jati-smaran-jnana, only those births are known that the person took as a sentient being. It can be of a maximum number of nine incarnations. The births taken as non-sentient beings cannot be known.
(2) By listening to a discourse of individuals having pratyakshjnana (direct-knowledge), viz. Tirthankar, Kevali, etc. or by having a dialogue with them; as was the case with Megh Kumar.
(Jnata Sutra, CH (3) By listening to a discourse, based on the tenets of Tirthankar, of an accomplished sage, viz. avadhi-jnani (who has acquired extrasensory perception of the physical dimension), manah-paryavajnani (who has acquired extrasensory knowledge of thought process and thought-forms of other beings), chaturdash purvadhar (scholar of fourteen purvas or subtle canons) etc. शस्त्र परिज्ञा : प्रथम अध्ययन
Shastra Parijna: Frist Chapter
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