attempt of a novice in the field to study a Buddhist text of paramount textual and doctrinal significance.
I wished to append a comparative table of the available Sanskrit text with its Tibetan version indicating the textual dirrerences of the two versions, but due to certain peculiar circumstances this could not become possible. It is proposed to include this appendix in the second edition. Similarly, some improvements on the readings of some portions and a study of the Yogācāra pbilosophy expounded in the Śrāvakabhūmi could not be given. These too are proposed to be given at a later date.
In spite of these shortcomings, this much awaited second volume of Śrāvakabhūmi is being brought out for the benefit of the distinguished scholars and researchers in the field. I crave the indulgence of the readers for the various mistakes that have crept in.
Any suggestion for improvement will be gratefully acknowledged and incorporated in the second edition.
I am thankful to the authorities of the K. P. Jayaswal Research Institute, Patna for initiating the publication of this volume, specially to its present director, Prof. J. C. Jha whose keenness and initiative have made the publication of this volume possible.
Our thanks are also due to Messers Tara Printing Works, Varanasi for their fine and timely printing of the Volume.
Namo buddhāya.
Karunesh Shukla
Vijayadasami 29 September 1990