Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 04
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 19
________________ JANUARY, 1875.] SANTHÅLI FOLKLORE. 11 said "I will cause Tora to dig a large tank quantities of brush wood to the mouth of the cave, with his own hands, and if he does not perform and set fire to it, to smother Toria. Having done his task, then I will kill liim, and seize his this, they returned home, boasting that they had wife." Having summoned Toria to his palace, at last done for the troublesome shepherd. But he commanded him to dig a large tank, and fill Toria broke the eggs, and all the ashes were it with water in one night; and said "If you scattered; then he poured the water that he had fail to do it, I will have you put to death." with him on the remaining embers, and the firo Torin, having heard the king's command, was extinguished. With great difficulty Toria slowly and sorrowfully returned home. His managed to crawl out of the cave; when, to his wife, noticing his sad countenance, said to him great astonishment, he saw that all the whito “What makes you so sad to-day ?" He re- | ashes of the fire were becoming cows, whils plied "The king has ordered me to dig a large the half-consumed wood becamo buffaloes. tank, to fill it with water, and also to make Having collected them, ho drove thom home. trees grow on its banks, during the course of a When the king saw these, he became very ensingle night." Toria's wife said to him “Cheer vious, and asked Toria from whence he procured up, do not be dispirited. Take your spade them. The shepherd replied “From that cave and mix a little water with the sand, where the into which you pushed me. I have not got tank is to be, and then it will form by itself." very many; for I was alono, and therefore Toria did so, and the tank was found com- could not manage to drive more away. If pleted. The king, being greatly astonished, you and all your retainers go, you will be able could not accomplish his purpose of killing to get as many as you want. But to procure Toria. them it is necessary to close the door of the Some time afterwards, the king planted a cave, and light a fire in front, as you did for very large plain with mustard seed: whon fit me." The king said "Very well, I and my for reaping, he commanded Toria to reap and people will enter the cave, and, as you have gather the produce into one heap on a certain sufficiont oxen and cows, be pleased not to go in day; if not, he would order him to be put to with us, but kindle the fire for us." death. Toria, hearing this, was again very The king and his people then entered the sad. His wife, secing him in this state, askod cave. Torin blocked up the doorway with great him the reason. He told her all that the king exertion, and then lighted a large fire at the had said to him. She replied "Do not be sad cntrance. Very soon all that were in the cave about this, it shall be performed.” So the were suffocated. daughter of the San summoned her children Somo days after this occurrence the danghter the doves; they came in large numbers, and of the Sun said to her husband "I intend in the space of one hour carried the produce to visit my father's house." Toria said to her away in their beaks to the king's threshing-floor. * Very well, I will also go with you." She Again Toria was saved through the wisdom of answered “It is very foolish of you to think of his wife. However, the king determined not to such a thing, you will not be ablo to reach be outdone, so he arranged a great hunt. On where I am going." Toria replied “If you are the day fixed he assembled his retainers, and a able to go, surely I can." She said "Very well, large number of beaters and provision-carriers, come along then." After travelling a long disand set out for the jungle. Amongst these tance, Toria became so faint that he could prolatter, Toria was employed to carry eggs and ceed no further. His wife said to him “ Did water. The object of the hunt was not to kill not I warn you not to attempt such a journey? tigers and bears, but to kill Toria, so that the As for quenching your thirst, there is no water king might seize the daughter of the Sun, and to be found here. But sit down, I will see if I make her his wife. can find some for you." But when she was Having come to a cave, they said that a hare gone, inpelled by his great thirst, Toria sucked had fled for refuge into it. With this pretext a raw egg that he had brought with him. No they seized Toria and forced him into the cave; sooner had he done this than he became changed then, rolling large stones to the door completely into a fowl. Soon after, Toria's wife came back blocked up the entrance; then they gathered large bringing water, but Toris was not to be found


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