(६) गुणानुरागकुलकम् । अशेषसुधीजनमनोरञ्जनाय पटीयांस नीतिमयाऽमृतरसस्पन्दिनममुमवलोकमवलोकमसंशयमयमसीमोपकारी भविता समेषां सर्वथा निरवद्योऽयमिति सम्मनुते। व्याकरणतीर्थभूषण-मैथिलो वजनानामिश्रः। सं. १९८५, प्र.श्रा.कृष्णा ५,
मु. धगजरी (दरभंगा)
. The book entitled "गुणानुरागकुलक" amply justifies the name which the learned and well-known author has given to it sweet, lucid and enter taining, it may satisfy the appetite of the young and old alike. The author has spared no pains to make the book rich with matter instructive and illustrative.
S.M. Kikani, Tharad - Junagadh.