equal in dimensions to Lokákásha, By knowledge it may be said to pervade all space and is therefore called Vishnu. Although from practical view-point it is mundane, yet in reality it is itseif, i. e., identical with its own knowledge and conation and therefore is called Svayam-bhú, self-existent. Although it is corporeal, because it has audárika (physical), and other bodies ; yet in reality it is incorporeal. From practical point of view it is called man (mánava) because of its present incarnation in a human body; but in reality it should be called mánava because of its possession of the faculty of knowing. And many other things concerning the soul are given in this púrva. It has 260,000,000 M. Padas.
8. The Karma-praváda gives the various conditions, such as bandha (bondage), sattá (existence or presence), udaya (mature appearance or operation), udíraná (pre-mature operation), utkarshana (prolongation), apakarshana (diminution or retardation), samkramana (transformation), upashama(subsidence), nidhatti and nishkánchita (forms of existence), etc., of the eight kinds of Karmas from the points of view of primary (prakriti), secondary (uttara prakríti) and tertiary nature (uttarottara-prakriti). It also deals with the various conditions of minds and also such actions as írya-patha, etc. It has 18,000,000 M. Padas.
9, The Pratyákhyána-púrva deals with the things which should be renounced by man for all time, or for a fixed period of time in accordance with the condition of his body, strength, etc., from the points of view of náma (name), sthápaná (representation), dravya (substance), kshetra (place), kála (time), and bháva (condition): also with fasts, with the five samitís (carefulness) and the three guptis (restraints and also with the renunciation of absolutely bad things. It has 8,400,000 M. Padas.
10. The Vidyanuváda-púrva contains the 700 minor sciences. and the 500 kinds of higher learning. It gives the nature of the learning, the qualities requisite to attain it, the ways of pursuing it. its formula, instruments, and diagrams, and the advantages that accrue to one who has mastered it. It also deals with the eight kinds of knowledge. It has 11,000,000 M. Padas.
11. The Kalyána-váda púrva gives an account of the grand celebration of the great points (kalyánaka) in the lives of Tírthankaras, Chakra-dharas, Vásudevas, etc., and of the Sixteen causes, and austerities that lead to a soul becoming a Tírthankara, or that make it deserving of the high positions in life; and also an account of the influence of the motions of the planets, sun, moon, and
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