Book Title: Agam 05 Ang 05 Bhagvati Vyakhyaprajnapti Sutra Part 02 Sthanakvasi
Author(s): Amarmuni, Shreechand Surana
Publisher: Padma Prakashan
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The cause-Sthananga Sutra mentions three kinds of parigraha (possession)-Sharira (body), Karma, and Upadhi (living and non-living things). Worldly beings are generally with possessions. Although onesensed beings do not appear to be active or acquisitive, they are said to be so because in principle, as long as one does not renounce action and possessions formally and voluntarily by mind, speech, and action, he is liable to the faults of action and acquisition. Two, three and four-sensed beings are also said to possess body, karmas and some necessary equipment; they also indulge in action for food and security. Five sensed animals, human beings, infernal beings and all kinds of divine beings visibly indulge in action and acquisition. There are certain individuals like detached persons, Kevalis and ascetics who are free of action and acquisition but they are exceptions. In general human beings are said to indulge in action and acquisition. (Vritti leaf 232 )
हेतु - अहेतु HETU AHETU
३७. पंच हेऊ पण्णत्ता, तं जहा- हेउं जाणति, हेउं पासति, हेउं बुज्झति, हेउं अभिसमागच्छइ, हेउं छउमत्थमरणं मरइ।
३७. हेतु के पाँच प्रकार हैं, यथा - (१) हेतु को जानता है, (२) हेतु को देखता (सामान्य रूप से जानता है, (३) हेतु का बोध प्राप्त करता - तात्त्विक श्रद्धान करता है, (४) हेतु का अभिसमागम - अभिमुख होकर सम्यक् रूप से प्राप्त करता है, और (५) हेतुयुक्त छद्मस्थमरण मरता है।
37. Hetu (cause/who knows cause) is of five kinds-(1) does (properly) know hetu, ( 2 ) does ( properly ) see hetu, ( 3 ) does have (proper ) understanding of and faith on hetu, (4) does (properly) accept and imbibe hetu and (5) embraces death of a chhadmasth with hetu.
३८. पंच हेऊ पण्णत्ता, तं जहा- हेउणा जाणति जाव हेउणा छउमत्थमरणं मरति ।
३८. पाँच हेतु ( प्रकारान्तर से ) कहे हैं । यथा - (१) हेतु (अनुमान) द्वारा (अनुमेय को ) जानता है, (२) हेतु (अनुमान) से देखता (सामान्य ज्ञान करता है, (३) हेतु द्वारा ( वस्तु तत्त्व को सम्यक् जानकर श्रद्धा करता है, (४) हेतु द्वारा सम्यक्तया प्राप्त करता है, और (५) हेतु से (अध्यवसायादि) छद्मस्थमरण मरता है ।
38. Alternatively hetu (cause / who knows cause) is of five kinds – (1) does (properly) know through hetu, ( 2 ) does (properly ) see through hetu, ( 3 ) does have (proper ) understanding of and faith through hetu, (4) does (properly) accept and imbibe through hetu and (5) embraces death of a chhadmasth through hetu (endeavour).
पंचम शतक : सप्तम उद्देशक
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