Book Title: Agam 05 Ang 05 Bhagvati Vyakhyaprajnapti Sutra Part 02 Sthanakvasi
Author(s): Amarmuni, Shreechand Surana
Publisher: Padma Prakashan
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7. Being instructed by King Kunik, the attendants were pleased and contented... and so on up to ... they touched their foreheads with joined palms and said — “Sire ! Your order will, indeed, be complied with.” Saying thus they humbly accepted the order and prepared Udai, the great elephant (having all attributes as mentioned in Aupapatik Sutra up to) with terrifying appearance and battle-ready, with the help of expert artisans who had attained all-round expertise under the guidance of accomplished art teachers. After this they also made ready the four pronged army comprising of cavalry, elephant brigade, chariot brigade and infantry, and came to King Kunik. With joined palms they reported him about successfully following his orders.
८. तए णं से कूणिए राया जेणेव मज्जणघरे तेणेव उवागच्छति, २ त्ता मज्जणघरं अणुप्पविसति, मज्जण. २ त्ता हाए कयबलिकम्मे कयकोतुयमंगलपायच्छित्ते सव्वालंकारविभूसिए सन्नद्धबद्धवम्मियकवए उप्पीलियस रासणपट्टिए पिणद्धगेवेज्जविमलवरबद्धचिंधपट्टे गहियायुहप्पहरणे सकोरेंटमल्लदामेणं छत्तेणं धरिज्जमाणेणं चउचामरवालवीइयंगे मंगलजयसद्दकतालोए एवं जहा उववाइए जाव उवागच्छित्ता उदाई हत्थरायं दुरू
८. तत्पश्चात् कूणिक राजा जहाँ स्नानगृह था, वहाँ आया, उसने स्नानगृह में प्रवेश किया। फिर स्नान किया, स्नान से सम्बन्धित मर्दनादि बलिकर्म किया, फिर प्रायश्चित्तरूप (विघ्ननाशक) कौतुक तथा मंग किये। समस्त आभूषणों से विभूषित हुआ, शस्त्रास्त्रों से सुसज्जित हुआ, लोहकवच को धारण किया, फिर मुड़े हुए धनुर्दण्ड को ग्रहण किया । गले के आभूषण पहने और योद्धा के योग्य उत्तमोत्तम चिह्नपट बाँधे । फिर आयुध ( गदा आदि शस्त्र) तथा प्रहरण (भाले आदि शस्त्र) ग्रहण किये। फिर श्वेत कोरण्टक पुष्पों की माला सहित छत्र धारण किया तथा उसके चारों ओर चार चामर ढुलाये जाने लगे । लोगों द्वारा मांगलिक एवं जय-विजय शब्द उच्चारण किये जाने लगे। इस प्रकार कूणिक राजा औपपातिकसूत्र में कहे अनुसार यावत् उदायी नामक प्रधान हाथी पर आरूढ़ हुआ ।
8. After that King Kunik approached and entered his bathroom. There he took his bath after massage and then he performed various propitious rites for protection against evil eye and other bad omens. He then embellished his body with ornaments. He equipped himself with weapons, put on his armour and lifted his curved bow. He adorned himself with necklaces and best decorations suited to a warrior of his stature. Now he added weapons like mace and spears to his collection of arms. An umbrella with white Korant flowers was raised over him and four whisks were waved on his four sides. People greeted him with auspicious slogans and hails of victory. This way, as mentioned in Aupapatik Sutra, King Kunik rode Udai, his best elephant.
सप्तम शतक : नवम उद्देशक
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Seventh Shatak: Ninth Lesson
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