Book Title: Agam 05 Ang 05 Bhagvati Vyakhyaprajnapti Sutra Part 02 Sthanakvasi
Author(s): Amarmuni, Shreechand Surana
Publisher: Padma Prakashan

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Page 561
________________ फफफफफफफफफफफफफफफफफफफफफफ्र ५ ५ 5 (manovargana) acquired through physical activity (kaaya yoga) and y transformed into thoughts through mental activity (manoyoga) are called manah-prayoga parinat matter particles. The matter particles 卐 (pudgala) of the speech category (bhashavargana) acquired through ५ physical activity (kaaya yoga) and transformed into speech through speech activity (vachan yoga) are called vachan-prayoga parinat matter y particles. The matter particles (pudgala) of the physical categories 5 (kaayavargana) including gross physical (audarik) acquired through physical activity (kaaya yoga) and transformed into bodies including gross physical are called kaaya-prayoga parinat matter particles. फ्र फ्र 卐 फ्र Yoga-With reference to association prayoga (activity) has three main 5 categories - mental activity (manoyoga), vocal activity (vachan yoga) and physical activity (kaayayoga). They have various sub-categories as aforesaid-four of mental activity (manoyoga), four of vocal activity (vachan yoga) and seven of physical activity (kaayayoga). Arambh (etc.)-To indulge in sinful activity that harms or kills some living being is aarambh. To think and resolve to indulge in sinful activity is samrambh. To torment or torture living beings is samaarambh. The 卐 opposite of aarambh or not to harm beings is anaarambh. Matter particles including the minute karmic particles transformed due to conscious activity of mind are called manah-prayoga parinat pudgala. Other terms related to transformation follow the same pattern. फ्र 卐 5 कायप्रयोग - परिणत TRANSFORMATION DUE TO CONSCIOUS PHYSICAL ACTIVITY ५५. [प्र. ] जइ कायप्पयोगपरिणए किं ओरालियसरीर- कायप्पयोगपरिणए ओरालियमीसासरीर- कायप्पयोगपरिणए वेउव्वयसरीर- कायप्पयोगपरिणए ४, आहारगसरीर- कायप्पओगपरिणए २, वेव्वियमीसासरीर- कायप्पयोगपरिणए आहारकमीसासरीर- कायप्पयोगपरिणए ६, कम्मासरीर- कायप्प ओगपरिणए ७ ? 5 फ 卐 [उ. ] गौतम ! वह एक द्रव्य, औदारिकशरीर- कायप्रयोग - परिणत होता है, अथवा यावत् वह फ कार्मणशरीर- कायप्रयोग- परिणत होता है। 5 फ अष्टम शतक प्रथम उद्देशक अफ्रफ़ फ्र Jain Education International १, ३, (503) ५, For Private & Personal Use Only [उ.] गोयमा ! ओरालियसरीर- कायप्य ओगपरिणए वा जाव कम्मासरीरकायप्प ओगपरिणए वा । फ ५५. [प्र.] भगवन् ! यदि एक द्रव्य, कायप्रयोग - परिणत होता है, तो क्या वह औदारिक फ्र शरीर कायप्रयोग- परिणत होता है, औदारिकमिश्रशरीर-कायप्रयोग- परिणत होता है, 5 5 वैक्रियशरीर-कायप्रयोग - परिणत होता है, वैक्रियमिश्रशरीर-कायप्रयोग- परिणत होता है, சு आहारकशरीर- कायप्रयोग - परिणत होता है, आहारकमिश्रशरीर- कायप्रयोग - परिणत होता है अथवा कार्मणशरीर-कायप्रयोग - परिणत होता है ? hhhhhhhhhhhhh Eighth Shatak: First Lesson फु ㄓ फ्र 卐 卐 卐


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