Book Title: Agam 05 Ang 05 Bhagvati Vyakhyaprajnapti Sutra Part 02 Sthanakvasi
Author(s): Amarmuni, Shreechand Surana
Publisher: Padma Prakashan
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विस्रसापरिणत द्रव्यों के भंग-जिस रीति से प्रयोगपरिणत दो द्रव्यों के भंग कहे गये हैं, उसी रीति से वित्रसापरिणत दो द्रव्यों के वर्ण, गंध, रस, स्पर्श और संस्थान; इन पाँच पदों के विविध पदों को लेकर असंयोगी और द्विकसंयोगी भंग भी यथायोग्य समझ लेना चाहिए। (वृत्ति, पत्रांक ३३७-३३८)
Elaboration-In the aforesaid six aphorisms (80-85) various alternatives (bhang) of three kinds of transformations (mental, joint and natural) with varied associations, including that of mind (manoyoga), and their progressive sub-categories have been mentioned.
Six alternatives of three basic transformations-With regard to two substances there are six alternatives. Three individually and three with combinations of two each.
Five hundred four alternatives of manah prayoga parinat-First of all there are 10 alternatives of satya manah prayoga parinat, mrisha manah prayoga parinat (etc.); four individually and six with combinations of two each. Then there are 21 alternatives of aarambh satya manah prayoga parinat (etc.); six individually and fifteen with combinations of two each. In the same way there are 21 alternatives each for the remaining five sub-categories including anaarambh satya manah prayoga parinat. This way there are total 126 alternatives (21 x 6) for aarambh, anaarambh, samrambh, asamrambh, samaarambh and asamaarambh.
In the same way like satya manah prayoga parinat there are also 126 alternatives each for mrisha manah-prayoga parinat, satya-mrisha manah-prayoga parinat, and asatya-amrisha manah-prayoga parinat with six sub-categories including aarambh. This way there are 504 (126 x 4) alternatives of transformations for the four basic categories including satya manah prayoga parinat.
Five hundred four alternatives of vachan prayoga parinat-Like the aforesaid 504 alternatives for manah prayoga parinat, there are 504 alternatives for vachan prayoga parinat following the same pattern.
One hundred ninety six alternatives of kaaya prayog parinatThere are 7 basic categories of kaaya prayog parinat including audarik sharira kaaya prayog parinat. For these seven there are 28 alternatives of seven individually and twenty one with combinations of two each. For seven sub-categories the total number of alternatives becomes 28 x 7 = 196.
Alternatives for mishra parinat for three activities--As aforesaid with regard to two substances there are 1204 alternatives for prayog
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