Book Title: Agam 05 Ang 05 Bhagvati Vyakhyaprajnapti Sutra Part 02 Sthanakvasi
Author(s): Amarmuni, Shreechand Surana
Publisher: Padma Prakashan
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41 (anaarambh satya manah-prayoga parinat), truthful conscious activity 45
of mind not to resolve to sin (asamrambh satya manah-prayoga parinat), or truthful non-tormenting conscious activity of mind (asamaarambh satya manah-prayoga parinat)?
(Ans.] Gautam ! They could be transformed either due to (1-6) truthful sinning conscious activity of mind (aarambh satya manahprayoga parinat), or... and so on up to... untruthful non-tormenting conscious activity of mind (asamaarambh satya manah-prayoga parinat). Also one of these substances could be transformed due to truthful sinning conscious activity of mind (aarambh satya manahprayoga parinat) and the other due to truthful non-sinning conscious
activity of mind (anaarambh satya manah-prayoga parinat). In the same 5 way all possible alternatives of combination of two aforesaid alternatives 卐 should be stated... and so on up to... Sarvarthasiddha Anuttaraupapatik Vaimanik dev.
८४. [प्र. ] जइ मीसापरिणया किं मणमीसापरिणया० ? [उ. ] एवं मीसापरिणया वि।
८४. [प्र. ] भगवन् ! यदि वे (दो द्रव्य) मिश्रपरिणत होते हैं तो मनोमिश्रपरिणत होते हैं ? (इत्यादि पूर्ववत् प्रयोगपरिणत वाले प्रश्नों की तरह यहाँ भी सभी प्रश्न उपस्थित करने चाहिए।)
[उ. ] गौतम ! जिस प्रकार प्रयोगपरिणत के विषय में कहा गया है, उसी प्रकार मिश्रपरिणत के के सम्बन्ध में भी कहना चाहिए।
84. (Q.) Bhante ! If two substances are mishra parinat (jointly or consciously and naturally transformed), then are they transformed due to conscious activity of mind (manah-prayoga parinat) ? (include other alternative questions as aforesaid with regard to consciously transformed matter)
(Ans.) Gautam ! As has been stated with regard to consciously transformed (prayoga parinat) matter so should be stated with regard to jointly transformed (mishra parinat) matter.
८५. [प्र. ] जइ वीससापरिणया किं वण्णपरिणया, गंधपरिणया० ? [उ. ] एवं वीससापरिणया वि जाव अहवेगे चउरंससंठाणपरिणए, एगे आययसंठाणपरिणए वा।
८५. [प्र.] भगवन् ! यदि दो द्रव्य विस्रसापरिणत होते हैं तो क्या वे वर्ण रूप से परिणत होते हैं, गंधरूप से परिणत होते हैं, (अथवा यावत् संस्थानरूप से परिणत होते हैं ?)
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