Book Title: Agam 05 Ang 05 Bhagvati Vyakhyaprajnapti Sutra Part 02 Sthanakvasi
Author(s): Amarmuni, Shreechand Surana
Publisher: Padma Prakashan
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3414414514614545454545454545454545454545455 456 457 46 45 46 47 46 45 45 455 456 457 4545 5 (18) Sukshma dvar-Sukshma jivas (minute beings) acquire bondage
of Jnanavaraniya karma. Baadar jivas (gross beings) are of two kinds(1) Vitaraag baadar jivas (detached gross beings) do not acquire bondage of Jnanavaraniya karma. (2) Saraag baadar jivas (gross beings with
attachment) acquire this bondage. No-sukshma-no-baadar jiva (neither ħ minute nor gross; Siddha) do not acquire bondage of any of the eight 45
species of karmas including Jnanavaraniya karma. Both sukshma and baadar jivas acquire bondage of Ayushya karma (life-span determining karma) only at the allotted time and not otherwise. That is why it is
stated that they sometimes acquire bondage of Jnanavaraniya karma Fi and sometimes not.
(19) Charam dvarA being in his final birth before liberation is called charam jiva. Here the term charam has been used for bhavya (worthy of being liberated). Acharam jiva is one who has no final birth. Generally it means unworthy of being liberated but here it also means one who has terminated his final birth (Siddha). Thus here both
abhavya as well as Siddha have been called acharam. A charam jiva Fi acquires bondage of the eight species of karmas depending on his mental
state, however when he is in ayogi state, he does not do so. That is why it is mentioned that a charam jiva sometimes acquires bondage of eight species of karmas and sometimes not. An abhavya charam acquires bondage of all eight species of karmas where as a Siddha charam does not do so. That is why it is said that acharam jiva sometimes acquires bondage of all eight species of karmas and sometimes not. (Vritti, leaves 256 to 259) teas what ay pa- ALPABAHUTVA (MINIMUM-MAXIMUM) OF GENDERIC BEINGS
२९. [प्र. १ ] एएसि णं भंते ! जीवाणं इत्थिवेयगाणं पुरिसवेयगाणं नपुंसगवेयगाणं अवेयगाण य कयरे कयरे हितो अप्पा वा ४ ?
[3. ] tert! Marestat pret graderm, skerder Fourgo, sum stigum, नपुंसगवेयगा अणंतगुणा।
२९. [प्र. १ ] भगवन् ! स्त्रीवेदक, पुरुषवेदक, नपुंसकवेदक और अवेदक; इन जीवों में से कौन किससे अल्प हैं, बहुत हैं, तुल्य हैं अथवा विशेषाधिक हैं ? __ [उ. ] गौतम ! सबसे थोड़े जीव पुरुषवेदक हैं, उनसे संख्येयगुणा अधिक स्त्रीवेदक जीव हैं, उनसे अनन्तगुणा अवेदक हैं और उनसे भी अनन्तगुणा नपुंसकवेदक हैं। छठा शतक : तृतीय उद्देशक
Sixth Shatak : Third Lesson
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