Book Title: Agam 05 Ang 05 Bhagvati Vyakhyaprajnapti Sutra Part 02 Sthanakvasi
Author(s): Amarmuni, Shreechand Surana
Publisher: Padma Prakashan
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Kumars. Except for gross earth-bodies and fire-bodies with oblique movement there are no other gross earth-bodies and fire-bodies in Tamaskaaya. There are no suns, moons or other cosmic bodies within Tamaskaaya but there are in its vicinity. Their light falls on Tamaskaaya but it is reduced to nothing due to its unique properties. In appearance Tamaskaaya is oppressively black, gruesome and terrifying. Even gods are horrified seeing it. If by chance a god enters it, he at once rushes out 15 with great speed and mental alacrity. Tamaskaaya is a derivative of water, jiva (life force or soul) and matter. Being a form of water it is conducive to origin of gross air-bodies, plant-bodies and mobile beings. No other beings are born here because it is hostile to them.
Similarity with areas of darkness-Modern scientists observed an intense dark and ominous mountain-like water body while travelling in the mysterious Bermuda triangle area (near Trinidad coast). When they approached this body radar and other instruments stopped functioning. All the lights went off and the steam pressure in the engine was reduced 4 to zero. Scientists have described that voyage in details. An article based i on that and titled "Bermuda Trikone : Naye Purane Kitne Kone” (Bermuda triangle : Many angles new and old) was published in Saptahik Hindustan (a Hindi weekly) of 9th September 1979. The scientists named it as area of darkness (krishna vivar). The aforesaid description of Tamaskaaya has astonishing similarities with that description of area of darkness. (Bhagavai Bhashya, part 2, p. 277) आठ कृष्णराजियाँ EIGHT KRISHNA-RAJIS
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17. (Q.) Bhante ! How many are the krishna-rajis (cluster of darkness or agglomerative entity of earth-derived darkness)?
[Ans.] Gautam ! There are eight krishna-rajis.
96.[4. ) ale oj ja! 2739 3TE FUE CISTI TOUTEISTI ? _[उ. ] गोयमा ! उप्पिं सणंकुमार-माहिंदाणं कप्पाणं, हव्विं बंभलोगे कप्पे रिटे विमाणपत्थडे, एत्थ णं , 9 अक्खाडग-समचउरंसठाणसंटियाओ अट्ठ कण्हराईओ पण्णत्ताओ, तं जहा-पुरथिमेणं दो, पच्चत्थिमेणं .
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