Book Title: Agam 05 Ang 05 Bhagvati Vyakhyaprajnapti Sutra Part 02 Sthanakvasi
Author(s): Amarmuni, Shreechand Surana
Publisher: Padma Prakashan
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फ्र और वैमानिक देव ही कहने चाहिए; क्योंकि इनके सिवाय दूसरे जीवों में ये लेश्याएँ नहीं होतीं। अलेश्य जीव के एकवचन और बहुवचन को लेकर दो दण्डकों में जीव, मनुष्य और सिद्ध पद का ही कथन करना चाहिए; 5 क्योंकि दूसरे जीवों में अलेश्यत्व सम्भव नहीं है। इनमें जीव और सिद्ध में तीन भंग और मनुष्य में छह भंग कहने चाहिए; क्योंकि अलेश्यत्व प्रतिपन्न ( प्राप्त किये हुए) और प्रतिपद्यमान ( प्राप्त करते हुए) एकादि मनुष्यों का ॐ सम्भव होने से सप्रदेशत्व में और अप्रदेशत्व में एकवचन और बहुवचन सम्भव है।
Elaboration-(5) Leshya dvar-The two categories of beings with leshya-jiva (in general) and infernal beings-follow the pattern of the general category. This is because like life the complexion of soul is also without a beginning and thus there is no difference. The only difference is that Siddhas should not be included among beings with leshya. Beings with krishna leshya (black complexion of soul), neel leshya (blue complexion of soul) and kapot leshya (pigeon complexion of soul) have two categories each like ahaarak jivas. The specific related leshya should also be mentioned. For example the said three leshyas including the black hue are not applicable to Jyotishk and Vaimanik gods. Tejoleshya has two categories of singular and plural. In context of plural, jiva (in general) and others belonging to the plural category have three alternatives (bhang). Earth, water and plant-bodied beings have six alternatives because among these one or more beings with tejoleshya in states of 'already born' and just born' are available. Infernal beings, fire-bodied beings, airbodied beings, two to four sensed beings and Siddhas are not included in the tejoleshya category because they are devoid of this leshya. Padma leshya and shukla leshya have two categories each. For jiva (in general) and others belonging to the second category three alternatives should be 57 stated. Only five-sensed animals, human beings and Vaimanik gods are 5 included in these two leshyas because beings other than these do not have these two leshyas. Aleshya (without soul complexion) beings have two categories of singular and plural. These beings include only jiva (in general), humans, and Siddhas. Beings other than these cannot be without leshyas. Among these, jiva (in general) and Siddhas have three alternatives and humans have six alternatives (bhang). This is because one or more human beings are in states of having already become and just become without leshyas. Thus there are chances of singularity and plurality of states of sapradesh (with sections) and apradesh.
११. [ १ ] सम्मद्दिट्ठीहिं जीवाइओ तियभंगो। विगलिंदिएसु छब्भंगा।
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